When My AR-15 Arrives...An Email To Obama


New member
Celebrated New Years Day by ordering an AR-15 from Tactical Weapons Solutions. Getting the basic $949 model, figure I can always upgrade it later.

BTW, their prices are much lower than what I saw at the gun show Saturday. Here's their link...

AR-15 Rifles | AR-15 Parts | FREE AR-15 Monthly Drawing

Politics has become a big part of gun ownership for me. It's a way of sticking it to Obama, Pelosi, etc., while striking a blow for freedom.

I keep thinking that when my AR-15 arrives, I should send a picture of myself with it to President Obama...

It would say...

"Mister President, here's my new AR-15. I got it because I wanted it. I got it because it's my right. And no, you can't have it."

It may not be the "mature" thing to do...But it would sure feel good to "get in his face" for a change. Lord knows he's always taking it to us.
Celebrated New Years Day by ordering an AR-15 from Tactical Weapons Solutions. Getting the basic $949 model, figure I can always upgrade it later.

BTW, their prices are much lower than what I saw at the gun show Saturday. Here's their link...

AR-15 Rifles | AR-15 Parts | FREE AR-15 Monthly Drawing

Politics has become a big part of gun ownership for me. It's a way of sticking it to Obama, Pelosi, etc., while striking a blow for freedom.

I keep thinking that when my AR-15 arrives, I should send a picture of myself with it to President Obama...

It would say...

"Mister President, here's my new AR-15. I got it because I wanted it. I got it because it's my right. And no, you can't have it."

It may not be the "mature" thing to do...But it would sure feel good to "get in his face" for a change. Lord knows he's always taking it to us.

Let us know what questions tha you are asked by the men in suits. :p

Congrats on the new AR :cool:
Celebrated New Years Day by ordering an AR-15 from Tactical Weapons Solutions. Getting the basic $949 model, figure I can always upgrade it later.

BTW, their prices are much lower than what I saw at the gun show Saturday. Here's their link...

AR-15 Rifles | AR-15 Parts | FREE AR-15 Monthly Drawing

Politics has become a big part of gun ownership for me. It's a way of sticking it to Obama, Pelosi, etc., while striking a blow for freedom.

I keep thinking that when my AR-15 arrives, I should send a picture of myself with it to President Obama...

It would say...

"Mister President, here's my new AR-15. I got it because I wanted it. I got it because it's my right. And no, you can't have it."

It may not be the "mature" thing to do...But it would sure feel good to "get in his face" for a change. Lord knows he's always taking it to us.
I would not do that if I were you. Only trouble can follow.
Are you a fool? Please don't send any e-mail of letters to Obama. You will be inviting the Secret Service to pay you a visit, and it won't be friendly. You will at least be put on a" watch list". Use you noodle Dude. Maitain a low profile.
Gus: I can understand you wanting to "stick it in Obama's face" but that would not be the wisest thing to do. As has been mentioned, the SS (or Secret Service in today's jargon) would be all over you like white on rice. Don't need to be put on some watch list. By writing to my elected representatives and senators, I assume I have already been put on a watch list but, to send a picture as you propose, that may be a free ticket to the closest FEMA camp. I just hope the food is good there because there will be a lot of us!
Are you a fool? Please don't send any e-mail of letters to Obama. You will be inviting the Secret Service to pay you a visit, and it won't be friendly. You will at least be put on a" watch list". Use you noodle Dude. Maitain a low profile.

I hear what you're saying, and I doubt I'll actually do it, though I'd love to.

But just think about it. My potential email as worded contains not one trace of a threat, either explicit or implicit. Yet we worry about a visist from the Secret Service.

We worry about FEMA camps. And there's nothing illegal or threatening in the email I was considering.

Nothing illegal...nothing threatening...and here we are, in fear of our government.

We've already lost a lot already, it seems to me.

God help us.
Smart move, not doing what you intended. I spent some time in Annapolis, MD (civilian), and be assured you don't want to do anything that will get you a 1-way ticket to the basement of the Pentagon, or other intel. organization.

Bellicose bravado and braggadocio will most certainly get you "tagged" for extra-special monitoring.

Everyone is being monitored, be it wired phone/wireless/internet/campbells soup cans with string/paper trails/cameras, etc. I have seen absolutely astounding space-based technology crop-up in recent years as well.

There is no big brother, like the present big brother, and he is getting bigger every day.

Freedom of speech is still alive and well, in this nation, but caution is the order of the day. I've sent my displeasure to our representatives, spoken my mind on public forums, all without black helicopters strafing my property, or any visits from my friends in D.C. and Maryland, but...there may come a day when that is compromised.

One thing you did say in the above post got my attention, "and here we are, in fear of our government". We should not be in fear of our government, as a free people.

Fear of our government isn't without merit, in light of what is going-on inside the beltway. With fear, comes loathing. When government has given its populace reason to fear it, they have crossed the line of trust, and respect. When government exists for government, and not the people it represents, they have failed us, disappointed us, and given us reason to publicly ostracize its treatment of its own U.S. citizens.

Bankrupting itself, and the citizens of this country, government greed has driven recent events. Our taxes are going to skyrocket, the Fed will print more money, further devaluing the dollar against world currency, all the while spending us into another recession, or worse, depression. All the economic earmarks are here for 2013 to be an economic calamity for us.

I sit here, in front of my laptop, wondering aloud how we could have allowed our representatives to continually hoodwink us, but at the same time, feel powerless to do anything about it. My voting has had absolutely no effect on it, which leads me to believe the majority of our population is OK with status quo. Or maybe a quote I heard on another forum is true, "there isn't a dime's worth of difference between our political parties".

Sorry for the tome, but I am thoroughly disgusted with our government, and rightly so, if U.S. citizens' opinions count for anything.