U.S. Crime Rate Down For Third Year

Let's see, according to the anti's guns cause crimes. The real math is record gun sales and permits - lower crime rates. So clear and yet many simply don't want to see.

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Re: New York Remains Safest Big U.S. City as Crime Declines 5%, Mayor Says

The reason that the "Mayor" says that crime is down, is because the cops refuse to take complaints. Or if they do, they downgrade them e.g assault down to harassment.

They are cooking the books on their crime stats:
Feds looking to interview NYPD crime stat whistleblower Adrian Schoolcraft

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Stats swing all ways. We can pretty much conclude whatever we want to conclude from them. Be careful of your logic.

Case on point:

New York City is one of the safest big cities in the US and has one of the most stringent and restrictive gun ownership laws.

New York Remains Safest Big U.S. City as Crime Declines 5%, Mayor Says

Let's see, 97 murders so far in 2010. Up from last year but the national average is down. I think the math is still on the side of gun ownership.

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Let's see, 97 murders so far in 2010. Up from last year but the national average is down. I think the math is still on the side of gun ownership.

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I think the better response to my post would be the same one I'd make to your post: the gun laws in NYC have not changed over the last two years. Thus, neither and increase in the murder rate nor a decrease in the overall crime rate can be attributed to NYC gun laws.

It's a tough world out there. Convincing uncommitted people to support gun ownership (or at least not oppose it) can't be accomplished by making illogical associations that are easily dismissed. in fact, such presentations run the risk of losing the support of such people.

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