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While I would like to think that a USA Today poll would have a bearing on what AG Holder thinks about the issue, I have my doubts. The other thing is that the (non clickable) link that you provided suggest that this poll started in November of 2007. Even if Holder might take into consideration what the public thinks (he won't), something so old probably isn't even a blip on his radar.

Disclaimer: I could be wrong about the age of the poll. Just going by the URL presented.
+1 with LiveBlues.

No offense, but USA Today is about as mainstream as mainstream media can get. Perhaps a 1/4 or 1/2 step "better" than NY Post or Times or DC rags. My point being that I simply cannot believe the mainstream media is going to be pro 2-A anytime soon. I wouldn't even use any of those liberal rags for kindling just because I'm sure the fumes from their nasty ink would be toxic. :mad:

The attacks on the 2nd amendment are certainly real, but I'm not looking for the media to help or even report accurately about those attacks. They're too busy swallowing all the BS bHo's administration is shoveling. IMHO.
I wouldn't even use any of those liberal rags for kindling just because I'm sure the fumes from their nasty ink would be toxic. :mad:


You are right. About all we can expect from the mainstream media is:
-Celebrity gossip
-Obama hype
-Anti 2A propaganda
-Weather report (which they can't even get that right most of the time.)

"I do not take a single newspaper, nor read one a month, and I feel myself infinitely the happier for it." - Thomas Jefferson
"The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers." -Also Thomas Jefferson
Leasoned Learned.

Good Catch. I was forwarding something without verifying it.
Lesson learned.
<:] Chris

+1 with LiveBlues.

No offense, but USA Today is about as mainstream as mainstream media can get. Perhaps a 1/4 or 1/2 step "better" than NY Post or Times or DC rags. My point being that I simply cannot believe the mainstream media is going to be pro 2-A anytime soon. I wouldn't even use any of those liberal rags for kindling just because I'm sure the fumes from their nasty ink would be toxic. :mad:

The attacks on the 2nd amendment are certainly real, but I'm not looking for the media to help or even report accurately about those attacks. They're too busy swallowing all the BS bHo's administration is shoveling. IMHO.

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