The Looney Left


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Once again they are shown for what they are.............

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Liberal programs need not solve any problems. They only require the euphoric feeling of showing how much they care about doing something. Spending money is rarely important to them. If the program doesn't work just throw more money at it. Look how well that has worked to eradicate poverty. We have spent how much over the last 60 years on eliminating poverty yet it continues to grow.
You have to realize the whole concept to create this database was implemented in the typical MD corrupt fashion. I met the idiots who got the contract to implement this. They didn't have a clue as to what they were doing. They wanted to know if they bought one copy of our $6000 image analysis package if we would do all the work for them.

Took some work to parse the leading. I was initially going to say the Looney is still here, but I realize now that you are using "left" as a noun rather than a verb.
MD. will probably take the money for that program and spend it on freebies for Mexican illegals.
They'll never realize that gun control makes crime out of control.
Doesn't matter if one's left or right, up and down, facts just prove it.
With the latest shootings, I read earlier today that our "wonderful and caring" idiot-in-chief said, "Enough is enough!" Now he plans on coming after our guns. With the spineless GOP leadership and the stacked SCOTUS he could get his way!

Buckle up! The ride could get very rough!!!!
You can count on these things from obummer till the end of his administration. Do anything to push gun control even if it is Unconstitutional. Get as many Muslims into America as possible. Do as much damage to America under the guise of Climate Control regulations. Increase government hand outs to minorities and illegals. Increase government control and regulations on businesses. If any Dumbocrat succeeds him, they will turn America into a totalitarian society. America will be finished.
You can count on these things from obummer till the end of his administration. Do anything to push gun control even if it is Unconstitutional. Get as many Muslims into America as possible. Do as much damage to America under the guise of Climate Control regulations. Increase government hand outs to minorities and illegals. Increase government control and regulations on businesses. If any Dumbocrat succeeds him, they will turn America into a totalitarian society. America will be finished.

America is already finished, it just isn't official yet. New World Order alive, well, and right on schedule.

~ AMERICA...The Best Informed Society That Has Ever DIED OF IGNORANCE ~

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