the finger pointing begins


New member
as i am writing this, obama is talking on t.v......11;45 am
he has already pointed the finger squarely at republicans for allowing the sequestor to take place.
am i surprized? no.
and in the comming weeks and months, he will be pointing out each cut, blow by blow. and none of this is the democrats fault.
watch out...the sky is falling.

I hope the R's don't cave. However, "O" will pick out the most critical of items to cut funding to punish us for opposing him.
I'm choosing to ignore him today. Until 3 when COPS is on, I am going to be listening to my ipod and playing ball with the dog at the park. I wont even listen to Hannity today because he will be talking about Barry Soretoro.
as i am writing this, obama is talking on t.v......11;45 am
he has already pointed the finger squarely at republicans for allowing the sequestor to take place.
am i surprized? no.
and in the comming weeks and months, he will be pointing out each cut, blow by blow. and none of this is the democrats fault.
watch out...the sky is falling.

Obama's blaming Republicans for the sequester that he himself helped bring into being?
Say it ain't so.
Right out of the Obama, how to destroy the opposition, play book. Obama is in the position to incrementally make life miserable for all of us. As has been the case, low information voters and the main stream media will not blame him. The republican rich, we all know rich democrats are pure as the wind driven snow, republican political leaders, corporations and George Bush are entirely responsible for this economic disaster. Just give Obama and the democrats unlimited control and everything will be fixed. All hail our exalted emperor. Kumbaya!!!!!!!!!!
I had to turn it off as I was getting a little too loud for those around me. Apparently I become angry whenever I hear such obvious lies and double talk. The chic asked him about his role in the state of this country and he went into a 20 minute explanation about how everyone else screwed up and he's never at fault..... GRRRR I hate that man. I cant believe there are that many stupid people in this country... Oops, yes I can, snooky (sp) / kardashians / kendra and other stupid shows have continued to be picked up.

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