Teachers Union VP: Gun Rights Supporters "Are Going to Hell"


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Leftists saw an opportunity to curtail the 2nd Amendment when a nut murdered 20 children in Newtown, Connecticut, last year.

Now they’re shocked because a bipartisan group of U.S. Senators didn’t cave in to their demand to further restrict gun rights.

Leaders of the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers are among those leftists who hoping for strong new anti-firearm legislation from Washington, D.C.

And they very much hate the National Rifle Association, the group that keeps fighting off such measures.

NEA Vice President Lily Eskelsen Garcia even believes she looked into their souls and determined that NRA leaders and supporters “are going to hell.”

“I'm not an ordained minister, I'm not a theologian, but these guys are going to hell,” she said at the annual Netroots Nation conference last week, according to Mercury News.

“We have to make those senators as frightened of us as they are of the gun lobby,” she reportedly said. “Shame on us if we give one inch to the gun lobby. They got where they are because they never give up. ... Now the movement is us; we are the ones we were waiting for.”

It’s hard to see how supporting the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution could sentence one to an eternity in hell, but maybe in their ultimate wisdom, teachers union leaders know more than we do.

Teachers Union VP: Gun Rights Supporters "Are Going to Hell"

You'd think educators would be able to comprehend a thought more complex than "thunderstick go boom."
Wait, what do teachers know about hell? They can't bring up religion, unless, of course, it's that one that dates from the 7th century.

Guess Ms. Garcia missed her lesson on the Constitution. Probably out at a social protest that day.
Slaves... all of them. They're apart of the dumbest group of people in AmeriKa. It's not worth arguing with people like this, they're too far deep in servitude desire. Support more gun laws, support confiscation if you want... bottom line:

My weapons won't be given away, I swear on my life about that. Anybody who thinks they have to balls to try, you'd better bring the noise b/c one of us is leaving in a bag.

Molon Labe, mother f*ckers.
Interesting. In Utah the response of teachers (in large numbers) was to get concealed carry permits. Many instructors offered teachers free classes. I guess different strokes for different folks.
Ohio is getting right too.

Teachers in OHIO are responding accordingly also;
F.A.S.T.E.R. - Faculty/Administrator Safety Training and Emergency Response | Buckeye Firearms Foundation
F.A.S.T.E.R. - Faculty/Administrator Safety Training and Emergency Response
Thu, 12/20/2012 - 23:43 — BFAdmin
Our educational foundation has launched a program to provide "active killer" training to Ohio teachers and administrators.
If you are a teacher or school official, CLICK HERE to complete a questionnaire for consideration.> FASTER - Faculty/Administrator Safety Training and Emergency Response Survey
All information will be kept strictly confidential.
In any violent encounter, the faster you realize the threat and stop it, the better. Time is especially important during school shootings. Faster response leads to fewer casualties. F.A.S.T.E.R. stands for Faculty/Administrator Safety Training and Emergency Response. Everyone agrees that safety training is important, but in active killer situation the "emergency response" must happen fast to save lives.
The class is a comprehensive 3-day training class at Tactical Defense Institute. All major expenses will be covered, including tuition, ammunition, and lodging (which are expected to total approximately $1,000 per teacher).
For detailed information, see our School Safety Information Page.
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Leftists saw an opportunity to curtail the 2nd Amendment when a nut murdered 20 children in Newtown, Connecticut, last year.

Now they’re shocked because a bipartisan group of U.S. Senators didn’t cave in to their demand to further restrict gun rights.

Leaders of the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers are among those leftists who hoping for strong new anti-firearm legislation from Washington, D.C.

And they very much hate the National Rifle Association, the group that keeps fighting off such measures.

NEA Vice President Lily Eskelsen Garcia even believes she looked into their souls and determined that NRA leaders and supporters “are going to hell.”

“I'm not an ordained minister, I'm not a theologian, but these guys are going to hell,” she said at the annual Netroots Nation conference last week, according to Mercury News.

“We have to make those senators as frightened of us as they are of the gun lobby,” she reportedly said. “Shame on us if we give one inch to the gun lobby. They got where they are because they never give up. ... Now the movement is us; we are the ones we were waiting for.”

It’s hard to see how supporting the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution could sentence one to an eternity in hell, but maybe in their ultimate wisdom, teachers union leaders know more than we do.

But probably NOT!!!
There are always exceptions but most teachers are progressives. They think the Constitution is outdated and is an obstacle to the socialist Utopian dream. They believe that only the intellectual elite is destined to rule the inferior masses. And of course teachers consider themselves to be part of that elite. They become so accustomed to ruling over their charges that they forget their place as employees of the public.

Government employees have forgotten that they work for the people. From local to federal, government employees think that they rule us and we exist only as slaves to be exploited by by those destined to rule. I don't know how things have become so twisted. But the government employee unions and career politicians are destroying our republic. These people use their considerable power to intimidate and enslave us. We either have to limit the power of government to those granted by the Constitution or be enslaved by that government. The founders knew that even a good government would eventually become tyrannical because of the corrupt nature of man and the corrupting influence of power.

The only possible solution to the abuse of power is smaller government. Local control of schools, as has always been tradition in this country, and the privatisation of education would limit the power of teacher unions and the indoctrination of our children.
I'm a teacher and I got away from the MAEafter prayer was taken out of the school system. (Student led praying is permitted). But I could really start another thread when I continually read in the employee manual "teachers are responsible for their students during that class time." The issue of teachers firearm training or armed school security needs not be taken lightly!

Sent from my Milestone X using Tapatalk 2
It is obvious that the teacher-union leader is not a theologian. Jesus said, "Judge not, that you be not judged." Since she did, guess we can return the privilege. So we're back to neurofeces complicated by a seized fecal orifice.
We got where we are because it is my God Damn RIGHT to own and carry a firearm!
I think anyone who is against the 2nd Amendment should NOT be allowed to call Police (because they carry guns!) to save their ass when their homes are broken into!!
Don't like the 2A? GOOD!! You should be barred from receiving ANY help from ARMED officers when your bacon is in trouble... Period!

Now, as such.... Get your pathetic, filthy hands off of my 2A rights!
You are done and I am done with you!

Sent from behind enemy lines.
Much of that may disappear with the current administration. My wife is still disgusted that she is forced to join the union in order to be a teacher.

I am not going to change the line of thought on this thread, but to Rhino; I agree with your wife, the union should be an open shop. All unions are afraid of too many participants not wanting to join that would prove the point of the union worthless.
To my thinking, it is the children who are the most important occupants of the school, they deserve all the attention. Not some teacher or administrator that thinks they need more money, union workers are too hard to discipline and too hard to fire for wrong doing, again the children are the most important occupants in a classroom. RANT OFF, just saying.
Well, when the teachers' union members go to hell, we'll make sure their beds are made for them.

Do unto others...
Wait, let me get this straight.....most anti gun libs are also atheists who don't believe in God or the Bible, but now they say we're going to hell? Are they coked out of their freakin' minds?

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