Springfield 1911 Grips


New member
I bought some new grips for my Springfield 1911. I noticed the grips have what looks like some kind of nylon bushing in the upper portion of the grip. The screw will not come out. Is there a trick to 1911 grip replacement or is this unique to the Springfield?
Can you post a photo? I have a Springfield Loaded Micro Compact Bi-tone (3-inch) and have bought several pairs of grips for it over the years. I'm currently running the Crimson Trace grips. I don't remember seeing a bushing on the grips themselves. Could it be a repair plug glued into the wood to keep the screw from pulling through?
Thanks for the reply ForceTech. I put Pachmyr grips on my 1911. Unfortunately I broke the original grips trying to get the top screw out of the grip. On the 1911 handle the holes for the grip screws differ. The top one is not flush and the bottom one is. The top screw had to be pressed in somehow. The screw could not be separated from the "nut or bushing" or whatever it is. I will see if I can find and exploded drawing.

Thanks again


The exploded drawing calls it a 1h. PI0015 Grip Screw Escutcheon. The drawing does not match my 1911. I have 1 of the Escutcheons on the upper end and simple threads on the lower. I bought it new. It is 6 years old. The upper part of the grip uses a screw assembly while the lower does not. The upper assembly screw is embedded in the grip while the lower screw is not. I will get some photos. TY sir.

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