soloution to securing pistol?


New member
im looking for a way to secure my pistol while its in the vehicle. trying to find a happy median of being able to keep it ready for use with minimal fumbling to get to it. i work a lot in the summer in light clothing that keep the pistol on me at all times is not practical and my children are with me the majority of the time and like to often hang out in the truck waiting for me. they are ages 5 and 13 and have been taught since they could walk not to touch it of course but one can never be 100% sure that they wont have a momentary lapse in judgement. im thinking a small safe like the micro vault at GunVault - Gun Safes for Home or Office - Home which is not available til june 25th, anyone know of something simular? or have any other suggestions?
hey that's cool, now all they need is one with a fingerprint reader so you can open it faster instead of doing the key or combination lock, i can just imagine telling the BG to hang on a sec, just gotta open my gun safe, lol. but still good option and not a bad price either.:pleasantry:
hey that's cool, now all they need is one with a fingerprint reader so you can open it faster instead of doing the key or combination lock, i can just imagine telling the BG to hang on a sec, just gotta open my gun safe, lol. but still good option and not a bad price either.:pleasantry:

they had that one too it was like 239.00 could only be opened by one user. meaning the wife coulnt access it if she needed too.
wow only one, i guess that wouldn't be a good option then, we are a 2 car family and every now and then we swap out so yeah not a good idea in that regard. :no:
Car Safe

I have one of these mounted behind the seat in my truck. I picked the digital push button safe because I don't trust those finger print readers. I have one of those on my laptop and it never works right. Maybe they use higher quailty readers on the safes but who knows. I love mine. Gives me a secure location to store my gun if I need to leave it in my truck for what ever reason.
On securing in a vehicle

I drive a Porsche Boxster so securing things is a bit sporting. What I have found is that a Veripack FATBOY draped over the passenger seat really holds things securely and readily accessible. This works for me because I seldom have a passenger in that seat.

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