Shooting with both eyes open.

Daniel R

New member
I’m a relatively new shooter so shooting with both eyes open has been different for me. But i think i figured it out. Depends on if you focus on the sight or the target. I like focusing on target. It helps for further distances. But here is how i practiced both. I would kind of forget what silhouette to aim at so i kept saying Sight Right. You’re mainly going to see either two sights or two targets depending on which you choose to focus on. So if you focus on the sight then aim for the target silhouette on the right. Thats were i got Sight Right. If you focus on the target then put the left sight silhouette on target. Once you get to where you think you’re on it blink your non dominant eye really quick to see if you’ve got it. Im righty so this worked for me. I’ve been practicing with my thumb then my pointer finger. Good stuff. Next... Accuracy. Let’s see!! Just wanted to share in case anyone else was having the same troubles i had.
Keep practicing. Identify your target then focus on the front sight while your taking your shot. Take it slow. Once your satisfied with your grouping then start speeding things up a little bit. As you shoot faster you will naturally focus less on your front sight and it becomes more of point shooting. But starting slow will help improve your natural point of aim.
Keep practicing. Identify your target then focus on the front sight while your taking your shot. Take it slow. Once your satisfied with your grouping then start speeding things up a little bit. As you shoot faster you will naturally focus less on your front sight and it becomes more of point shooting. But starting slow will help improve your natural point of aim.

Thanks. I will. Appreciate the tips