Securing HD shotguns from children.


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I have my first child due in May. Obviously she is going to be taught gun safety and will go shooting with me as soon as possible. But until I feel she is responsible enough to be trusted with a loaded firearm without supervision (which will probably be 10-15 years) I'm looking for suggestions on securing HD long guns from children. I keep my sidearm in a quick access safe next to my bed which works just fine but don't have a real solution for my shotgun. I'm sure just keeping it high up out of reach will work for a few years but I want something more secure. Any ideas? What do you use?

@chrio I already have a large gun safe but it's in my office and isn't exactly quick to access.

and @wally that's exactly like what I was looking for thank you. My HD shotgun is actually a 930 SPX as well so it should be perfect. If I have trouble getting it to fit I might hit you up for some advice on how you modded it. Thanks!
Trigger lock plus being locked in a closet. We used a dead bolt on a solid wood door. I know a gun safe would be better… but when your a single income household some times you have to think out side of the box and congratulation you life is about to change in ways you never thought possible! Children are the greatest gift.
I second the shotlock. I have them on both of my shotguns.

But don't think a 10 to 15 year old child is capable of being left with a firearm unsupervised. I suppose there are some people whose brains develop a lot quicker than most people, but most kids under 18, and a lot under 21, haven't yet developed the functions of the brain that reason between risk and reward. No matter how well you think they have been trained, they simply are physically incapable of making reasoned associations between actions and dangers.

In more clinical terms:

During adolescence, the brain begins its final stages of maturation and continues to rapidly
develop well into a person’s early 20s, concluding around the age of 25.5

• The prefrontal cortex, which governs the “executive functions” of reasoning, advanced thought
and impulse control, is the final area of the human brain to mature.

• Adolescents generally seek greater risks for various social, emotional and physical reasons,
including changes in the brain’s neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, which influence memory,
concentration, problem-solving and other mental functions. Dopamine is not yet at its most
effective level in adolescence.

• Adolescents commonly experience “reward-deficiency syndrome,” which means they are no
longer stimulated by activities that thrilled them as younger children. Thus, they often engage in
activities of greater risk and higher stimulation in efforts to achieve similar levels of excitement.

• Adolescents must rely heavily on the parts of the brain that house the emotional centers when
making decisions, because the frontal regions of their brains are not fully developed.

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Pics show my mods to Shotlock, good luck-
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Some kids yes, most no. My parents were never gun people but I got into shooting and got my first .22 rifle when I was about 10. Got my first handgun at 12. It took them a while to get them to trust me with them but I got my own gun safe at about 14 and was solely responsible for my firearms. Even though I didn't grow up shooting or hunting in my family I always had a very healthy respect for the power of a firearm. Once they understood that they trusted me. I plan on doing the same with my children only begin I instill it in them younger. The situation will always dictate and I will not let her alone with a firearm until she can prove she is ready. I know 50 year olds that don't have the same respect for a firearm I did when I was 10.
Nicely done! Looks great. Looks like that hole just happened to be in the right spot for those sights to fit in there.
I had to cut the rectangular opening, you will understand after you get the Shotlock to look at and compare to my pics.
Link RemovedLink RemovedLink RemovedI went and pick this up the other day and with the alarm on my house and two pad lock on my door and the gun safe I should be okay but I know I want be invinceable.

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