School confiscates autistic boys American flag as a weapon

Really, the stick this flag in on has a sharp end. Well let's ban pencils and thumb tacks. While we are at it better ban rubber bands and paper clips, that could be used as a weapon. Better ban paper also those paper cuts can be pretty nasty.
They should also ban kids with fingers going to school because fingers are weapons too that can poke an eye or two. While they are are it, ban shirts and pants too because they can be use to strangle or suffocate another kid. To go further and further down the road, there are more things to ban -- legs included. Then they should ban kids from going to school because they can hurt one another. So there either goes schools altogether, teaching jobs going out altogether. No more teachers and schools, no principals, deans, admin, faculties, and the states can all save money on salaries. There will more criminals-in-training for parents who cannot manage their kids being home while they work or find a will all be a chain reaction on jobs and learning...

Gosh! what are these supposedly "mature" people smoking?!!!!
I took a group a Boy Scouts from across the US to Japan earlier this year for a Friendship Program. Upon returning home many of them took their chopsticks to school to show their newly acquired skill to their friends. More than one had their chopsticks confiscated because it could be used as a weapon. I guess about 20% of the earth's population doesn't realize they put themselves in danger every time they sit down to eat.
Maybe the administrators should be confiscated - they are currently the most dangerous items found on school grounds these days.
This has nothing to do with the American flag. If the boy had come in with a folded (i.e. "stickless") flag, would the school have taken it away from him?? No, they wouldn't have. They confiscated a sharp stick that happened to have a flag attached to it.

Do I think the school's action is ridiculous?? Yes. Absolutely. It's not like the kid walked in with a sword, but I can't stand when people (read: the media) try to make this into some sort of anti-American, flag-desecrating communist conspiracy. It's like when a politician runs out of things to say and resorts to claiming "It's for the children" just to get people on his side. I half expect somebody to come out and say it's Obama's fault.

Well, you know, if Obama would just wear a flag pin on his lapel....

Actually, I'll tell you whose fault it is--parents. Do you really think teachers give a rip what kids bring to school? It's lawsuit-happy parents, who have decided they have nothing better to do than complain to school administrators about every little thing that makes life unfair or unsafe for little Susie and Johnny.

Try having a real relationship with your kids' teachers, and try leaving administrators out of it as much as possible. The public school system is so bloated with overpaid principals and superintendents, and desperately understaffed with teachers who get paid half as much, to do all the work, and rarely receive recognition, credit, or even cooperation from parents.

Try treating teachers with respect, and expecting your kids to do the same, regardless of whether they "like" them or not, or they are "hard" or "unfair" and you'll see a lot of this crap disappear.

For a good laugh, Google "George Carlin F___ the children". Hilarious.

Can't blame Obama for anything negative or you will be called a racist.
Just so you know, not all of the education professionals in New Hampshire are *********g stupid as to react the way this teacher did.

On another note, an autistic child is not violent. Autism makes children non-violent, but they can become upset and do violent seeming things. I speak from experience as the parent of three autistic children.
I have a solution. Let's ban stupid people in this country. This way if they are banned from living here we can stop the pointless idiocracy in this "democracy". This would then also allow us to remove the rules of having to obtain a CCW in our respective states. Let's think for a second about how ludacris it is that the only people that have to jump through hoops and pay money just to CC when the Constitution states that we have a right to. The tighter grip they place on these laws on citizens wishing to exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights the more that criminals are allowed to wreak havoc on the un-educated or less fortunate. The NFA of 1934 caused regular citizens to have to try and pay $200 in order to have AOW.

So, let's put this into perspective; how much things cost in 1934...Average Cost of new house $5,970.00, average wages per year $1,600.00, cost of a gallon of gas 10 cents, average cost for house rent $20.00 per month, a loaf of bread 8cents, a LB of hamburger meat 12 cents, and a Studebaker Truck $625.00. That means the average person would have to save every single penny for atleast 6 weeks in order to pay the fee.
The "Gangsters" of the time had no problem affording it.

Flash forward to 2011, and we have more stupid laws placed in effect, and a child that wants to be Patriotic and some quacked out,jack wagon had an issue with this? Like I said let's ban stupid people.
Teachers and all school officials take things to far these days. I think they are starving for attention. When I was in school a student brought a shotgun to school for show and tell. I opted to being a cake because you can't eat a shotgun and after my turn we all had cake. Haha