S&W M&P 9mm Compact


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This is one sweet gun! Now I know there's likely some anti S&W sentiment out here due to the fact they made a deal with the devil (Clinton) back in the 90's. However, the Co. is back in U.S. hands and no longer foreign owned. S&W has hit a home run with the M&P line in my opinion....especially with the compact 9mm & .40 cal. versions. Go to your local gun store, pick one up and check it out for yourself. The only reason I bought one a couple of weeks ago was because I got a call from my local gun shop when they received a G26. I had wanted one for the longest time! In MA, you can't get a new Glock....it's gotta be pre-1998...another Clinton B.S. thing. I digress....I had the G26 on the counter, ready to buy, when I saw the that M&P 9c. I picked it up and fell in love! Add to it the fact that I was buying a brand new gun opposed to a pre 98 Glock and the fact that S&W was giving me a $50 rebate plus two 10 round mags....NO BRAINER!!! I bought a Black Hawk serpa holster to go with it. Great combo! The little gun shoots like a dream. Very comfortable carry gun....hardly know it's there.

S&w M&p

I picked up the 40 compact when I seen it at my local gun shop, and like you I fell in love with it too. I personally have had not problem with mine and it shoots a nice tight group. When I carry mine it is in the Comp-Tec Infidel IWB holster love it. I know I will get flamed for this but I like the feel of it better than a Glock (I am not knocking the Glock) This gun just fits me better. All in all it’s a nice gun.
I have one as well and I like it so much I sold nearly every Glock I have to collect the M&P series. I can't really shoot Glocks well anymore anyway and IMO, for me anyways, the Smith is much better than the Glock.

I wonder if I can shoot fish with the M&P like I can with my G19...........?
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Before I bought my G19 I spent a long while looking at the M&P. I'm pretty sure that if the shop didn't have the great deal on the barely used G19 and I bought new...I would have purchased the M&P. I liked them both equally really.
I really like the look and feel of the M&Ps too. But, I'm a recovering gun-aholic and I decided to streamline my pistols to .40 caliber Glocks.

I did briefly consider selling the Glocks and going all M&P, but I haven't seen a stress test like this one... Glock 21 Torture Test. Show me this with an M&P and I might reconsider.
I did briefly consider selling the Glocks and going all M&P, but I haven't seen a stress test like this one... Glock 21 Torture Test. Show me this with an M&P and I might reconsider.

This is unreal! I have always had a lot of respect for Israeli engineering but this illustrates that Glocks are superguns from durability and reliability standpoints. I'd have at least one by now but my wife worries about them not having safeties and I like "cocked and locked". Thanks for this "nifty" post!
New Member

Hey guys, I'm new to this site and this is my first post (hopefully of many).
I've had some interesting experiences with my firearms in the past year of being a CCL owner.
The most recent and most relevant is the story of my Glock 26, bought as my first dedicated CCW in December. In January, I was forced to leave it in my glove box overnight, when my car was broken into and it was stolen. It was a horrible experience and I was very nostalgic about the gun seeing as I only shot it twice.
After hours of research I found out that the deal I originally got on it ($489) was about as good as I was going to do the second time around. I went to the local big-time gun store b/c my friend wanted to look into one, and I ended up being lured over to the M&P.
Now at this time I had every intention of spending $489+ and replacing my baby G. What happened was I left the store with the M&P9c. I just ordered a SmartCarry online which will arrive this week, and I can't wait to start carrying it!
I will shoot it for the first time tomorrow, and I'm going to get a lock & chained case for my car, so this one doesn't meet the same fate as my brand new baby G.

Thanks for your time everyone!

PS: The pricetag on the M&P was the same, $489, but I get a $50 rebate and two extra mags, plus one comes with a pinky extension. I'm hoping to convince S&W to send me another one, since they are not as easy to find as the ones for the G26.
Welcome flswcarry. Sorry to hear about your Glock. I am glad you found A way to replace it that put a smile on your face. Smartcarry works pretty well as long as the gun is not too thick. I use one for my Kahr, but my Taurus PT140pro is a little thick and it prints. Good luck.
M&P 40 Compact fits the hand really well.

I purchased another M&P this time a 40 cal compact. It is one of my favorite guns. Very accurate, recoil control is great and the handgrips are customized to fit the hand perfectly. Many of the other carrys just didn't feel as good. Accuracy reviews indicated that the M&P was more accurate than Glocks, Sig's, and XD's. Who knows about that but this is a great gun. I heard inside S&W that a 45 cal compact may come out this year 2008.
I purchased my M&P40c about two weeks ago. I only have about two hundred rounds through it so far. The only problem I have had is running out of ammunition. I love it!
The pinky extension mag is my favorite, and from what I understand the free mags will include the extension. I traded a 4" 1911 in for it. The 1911 was a lot heavier than i wanted to be carrying around. I just ordered a Crossbreed Supertuck to carry it in.

Thanks for the pics., that is a sweet looking gun...I will have to put it on my list of wants..

:biggrin:Yep, The S&W M&P9C is sweet! Bought one for the wife. When I started her out shooting hand guns, I took her to the range with old reliable (S&W 38 special). I thought this would be entertaining! She shot very well with it. So I took her to the counter and proceded to look for something that would fit her well. After a long time! She decided that she liked the M&P9C. Let me tell you, we went back into the range and when she got done, She cut the target in half. This works well for both right and left handed people.(She is a lefty) I had the chance to buy a mod 5904 which I think is a little lighter, She likes it as well.
It's all good stuff!

I just purchased a new M&P 9c last night and waiting for it to be shipped to my local FFL dealer. I too was dead set in getting a Glock 26 but after reading many eye-numbing post I decided to go with the SW. I can't wait to pick it up in a few days and take her to the range!

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