This is one sweet gun! Now I know there's likely some anti S&W sentiment out here due to the fact they made a deal with the devil (Clinton) back in the 90's. However, the Co. is back in U.S. hands and no longer foreign owned. S&W has hit a home run with the M&P line in my opinion....especially with the compact 9mm & .40 cal. versions. Go to your local gun store, pick one up and check it out for yourself. The only reason I bought one a couple of weeks ago was because I got a call from my local gun shop when they received a G26. I had wanted one for the longest time! In MA, you can't get a new's gotta be pre-1998...another Clinton B.S. thing. I digress....I had the G26 on the counter, ready to buy, when I saw the that M&P 9c. I picked it up and fell in love! Add to it the fact that I was buying a brand new gun opposed to a pre 98 Glock and the fact that S&W was giving me a $50 rebate plus two 10 round mags....NO BRAINER!!! I bought a Black Hawk serpa holster to go with it. Great combo! The little gun shoots like a dream. Very comfortable carry gun....hardly know it's there.