Rules Being Enforced In Our Military About Transgenders Is Total Lunacy!

Sigh . . . today's Navy is not the same Navy in which I proudly served 24 years. :(

I'm guessing that conservative Christians aren't the only military members who don't want the sexes mixing in the showers. I wasn't a Christian the first eight years of my service, and I definitely would NOT have been "OK" with that situation at that time either. Christians aren't the only modest people in the military.

How is all this confusion, extra "training", focus on sex, and turmoil helping the military carry out its mission? Almost every week, The Navy Times has at least one article about someone in leadership (officers and senior enlisted) getting the boot because of some character or morality failing that led to an offense under the UCMJ. It seems like more CO's are losing their commands for hanky-panky fraternization offenses.
Sigh . . . today's Navy is not the same Navy in which I proudly served 24 years. :(

I'm guessing that conservative Christians aren't the only military members who don't want the sexes mixing in the showers. I wasn't a Christian the first eight years of my service, and I definitely would NOT have been "OK" with that situation at that time either. Christians aren't the only modest people in the military.

How is all this confusion, extra "training", focus on sex, and turmoil helping the military carry out its mission? Almost every week, The Navy Times has at least one article about someone in leadership (officers and senior enlisted) getting the boot because of some character or morality failing that led to an offense under the UCMJ. It seems like more CO's are losing their commands for hanky-panky fraternization offenses.

All are Signs of the End of the Age. We know that the last days will be like it was in the days of Noah & Lot, days marked with violence,wickedness, heterosexual permissiveness and homosexual perversion. Life is a series of calculated risks and it's long been important to keep tabs of the risks we face. In the last few years people seem to have developed a carefree attitude about risks. People look at the chance of various calamities today and just shrug with little or no reaction. Example..the more people that are killed by Muslim terrorists, the more determined our leaders are at labeling this religion as "risk free." I believe that the lack of concern over risk today is the result of Satan gaining a stronger foothold in this world as prophesied for this Last Generation. As our nation is overrun by wickedness, people, including those "officers and senior enlisted" you mention, are losing the ability to measure risk. I think "all this confusion, extra "training", focus on sex, and turmoil" you speak of has been done to deliberately weaken our military (under Obama administration). The profound level of blindness that we see all around us is a strong indication that the Rapture must be very near.

If they can do the job, then more power to them. If other soldiers or sailors can't stay professional about it, then boot them out. When I was in the Army National Guard 33 years ago women in the unit were no big deal. We slept by section, not by gender. I slept in the same tent (GP Medium) with former Miss Wyoming Kim Pring.

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