Reasons found acceptable for CCW issuance


Okay, the San Diego Judge didn't give us the Shall Issue result that we were hoping for, so it's back to the drawing board on that one.

I live in Riverside County and I want to apply for my CCW. I'm just a regular hard-working white collar engineer who wants to exercise his right to carry and protect myself. But that's not a good enough reason, according to those in power, to earn me a CCW here in sunny California.

Since I do not "carry large sums of money for my employer on a regular basis", am not a "full time, part time or reserve LEO", do not have a family member or close friend who is an LEO, and I am not the "president of the United States",... I'm looking for your suggestions on the best reasons that I can put on my application that the County Sheriff will accept.

If you have your CCW in California, I'd love to hear the convincing reason(s) you gave that got you to the Inner Circle, won you the Holy Grail, that coveted and elusive California CCW.

Thank you.

I don't live in your county. I live in San Diego County and just received my CCW Dec. 2nd.

I believe our counties are very similar.
Bill Desy who taught my 8hr ccw class said that the people coming through his class are judges, lawyers , doctors, emergency room personnel, and businessmen.

I fall into the businessman category.

Sorry but unable to help . . . .
My County accepts "Self Defense" . . . .
But we are a Rural County . . . . .
Maybe a letter in advance to your local Sheriff asking that exact question may get you a reply with some clues.
Just a thought . . . . .
I don't live in your county. I live in San Diego County and just received my CCW Dec. 2nd.
I fall into the businessman category.


Lance, congrats on receiving your CCW. As a businessman, what was the reason(s) you gave, if you don't mind me asking.

Just renewed CCW in San Bernardino County

I took the CCW renewal training class last week at SB County Sheriff HQ and the deputy teaching the class said that Riverside County was issuing permits similarly to SB County. I use a simple "protection of family and self defense, and travel around remote areas of our large county at night" and I was issued CCW with no problems. Maybe try speaking to the deputy that runs the CCW program and try to get feel of what will work. I have found that many deputies are CCW-friendly and love to talk about the subject if you are a law-abiding citizen.
Thanks sbeckert. Your post gave me hope. I'll check with a Riverside Sheriff and see if he'll tell me what he's specifically looking for. I've not done that until now because I didn't want him to think I was telling him what he wanted to hear. If I get a good answer from the Sheriff, I'll post it here for others.
Just as an update...I attended the local 2-day CCW class recently, and submitted my applications to Florida, Utah and Arizona. Reason being my county Sheriff might be more likely to issue me a permit once he sees that other states have already issued me theirs. That was the recommendation from my CCW class instructor. Good advice.

So I mailed off all 3 applications about a month ago. Florida responded yesterday via mail to say my training certificate was missing "instructor's signature and number" on the cert. What?! His signature and NRA instructor number are right there below my signature. After 25 minutes on hold waiting for Florida Bureau to answer their phone, the nice lady told me they needed to see his name "printed" after his signature. Really? She replied, "Yes, really." So I printed his name next to his signature...made a big arrow pointing to it...and faxed the cert directly to her. Now the wait continues to see if they will have another silly excuse to delay or reject my application.

When I informed my instructor of this issue, she said, "Over the last 14 years of submitting applications to Florida, this is the first time they've ever rejected one for lack of a 'printed name'." Oh well. That's what government red tape looks like.

I can only hope Utah and Arizona don't use that excuse on me as well.

...and the wait continues.

I'm assuming this means that in California you must provide in your own words for wanting a permit. I suggest you take a handgun course if you haven't already(whether cali requires it or not) send that paperwork in with it and under your "reason" just wrote out the second amendment. I mean your personal reasons we're good enough for them, maybe the bill of rights will be good enough. Added bonus you get to be a wise ass. Lol
Hi TL,
In my last post I mentioned that I already took the required 2-day CCW handgun course. The instructor said my local Sheriff won't accept the "it's my 2nd Amendment right ...and I'm in fear for my life and I want to protect myself" reasons. He knows the Sheriff's department that issues these permits and knows what they will and will not accept.
Thanks though!

In the last month I've received my Arizona and Florida permits. Yesterday Utah's permit was waiting for me in the mailbox. After working a 12 hour day, that was a very nice surprise!

So three down and the most important one to go.....California.

I'll be spending the next week or two filling out every one of the application's paaaaaaaaaaaages. Seriously, they couldn't make the application packet any larger?!
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My husband and I got our CCW's within one month but it was in Siskiyou County. We had to provide statements of why we needed it. Our reasons were around these facts: we live in an isolated, rural area, near the freeway, railroad, and near a trailer park that houses many offenders. Plus, we travel in our RV all over the state on sparsely traveled roads. During the waiting period, a sheriff's deputy came to our house to ask for the names of neighbors we knew nearby so he could discuss whether there is the possibility of domestic violence in our house. I found that interesting. I later found out that he did tell my neighbors why he was asking. That was unfortunate because given our neighborhood, we really wanted to keep the fact that we had firearms less public than that, mainly so that no one breaks into our house to steal them (although now with ccw's they wouldn't find them.)

One interesting thing that I was naive about. I could have sworn that one of our instructors told us to put each other's guns on both of our ccw applications. So we did. But at least in our county, the permit is good only for firearms registered to you. Also, we had bought a gun when we lived in Arizona and we filled out and had received back the paperwork from the CA DOJ that said we registered it in CA. But that firearm didn't appear on our permit. So I called the county and asked about it. I was told that CA DOJ has no record of that serial number being registered to anyone. What, huh? So now I have to call our county to see if I somehow gave them the wrong serial number. And if not, hopefully they can give me a number at DOJ to clear this up.

It's always something, but we were impressed that it took only a month to get the permits. Of course, it took only a week in Arizona, last year. But, that's Arizona.

Good luck JRM with you CA permit.
JRM if you recieve the "Holy Blessing" for SD County Please post/email us to let us San Diegans what the SDSO will accept. Not being a business man/carrying large $$ is out of the question.
JRM, so how is everything going with the permit? I also live in Riverside County and I am waiting to hear about your outcome.
Just to update on our story: that gun we brought in from Arizona but they said it wasn't showing up as owned by anyone... It was because when the CA DOJ sent back our application with a stamp on it that said Fee Paid and the date, we assumed everything was in order. So when it wasn't, we called DOJ and after several phone calls, we finally figured out that they had sent it back to us for a signature. Not that they ever indicated that. So my husband signed it and sent it back. We'll wait a few days and see if it's in the system and then get our county to look it up so it can go on husband's permit. Of course, he's going to eventually transfer it to me, so then we'll have to change it again, but whatever.
I live in Northern California. The Sheriff in my county said some other justifiable reasons to issue a ccw are not only that you carry a lot of cash, but you travel with expensive items. Also, if you live in a high crime area, work in a high crime area or travel through a high crime area. I hope this helps.
JRM, so how is everything going with the permit? I also live in Riverside County and I am waiting to hear about your outcome.

Hi Alex, nothing to report yet. There was some delay in gathering all the things on the application so my application is still sitting here. My plan is to call the Riverside Sheriff's office next week for an appointment. If they feel I have a good chance, the wait can take up to 3 months, so I'm told. UGH!
I got the huge packet myself. Mine states that you have to have a valid death threat or harrassment are the only criteria they will issue. I work as a armed security officer, so I guess I have to wait till someone that I arrest/had dealings with makes a death threat till they issue a ccw to me. I am just afraid that I will be out some where with my family (which includes a wife, 1 year old son and 14 year old daughter) and some one that I arrested/had dealings with will recognizes me and plan some type of retaliation. Well keep me updated with your application. Thanks, Alex.
Sorry to hear about your issue with the RSO CCW guys. I applied, provided very good cause (death threat, police reports, criminal protective order) and received my permit exactly 39 days after my interview...I found the RSO guys to be very forthcoming and helpful, but they had no questions about my good cause or any other answers on the application. Good luck to you!
I lived (if it's called "living") in California...Santa Clara County.

One of the best reasons in that county was to donate heavily to the county sheriff's re-election campaign. Of course, half of Santa Clara County's local officials are on the take anyway.