Pink Pistols, how do I get started

I've checked out the website and have noticed that currently there's no chapter in Hawaii. Being that there was a high level of interest in recent legislation that would impact the community, and noticing that there have been increasing numbers of gay and lesbian students taking my firearms safety classes, I think it would be a great idea to start a chapter. I've noticed that the gay and lesbian students aren't very active in the shooting community. My thinking is that if they have a club that it is geared towards their lifestyle, they may be more active and more of their friends will be open to coming out to shooting events.

Anyone currently involved in a local chapter? I'm especially interested in hearing from folks who are in the management or have helped establish a chapter, though I'm interested in hearing from anyone who can provide any info.

BTW, I'm not gay, but as I understand the nature of the club, all are welcomed as long as they are respectful of "diversity".

Bottom line is that I'm looking to get as many people as possible to be "pro 2A". One of my friends described me as the "Johnny Appleseed" of the shooting community. :biggrin:


He's a very active member of the Pink Pistols who is also very active on
Hawaii comes up pretty often on CGN as it's also in the 9th circuit and has draconian gun laws like CA. There's been a lot of discussion late in trying to get more activity going in HA -- you'll probably get a good reception.
We've got a member here!

One of our USACarry fella's is the coordinator for the Michigan chapter of the Pink Pistols, as well as being a Bronze site supporter. He is our very own Big Gay Al!

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