Horace Hogsnort
El Gato
Let us not forget the police work for US not the other way around.
Let's just see how far you get trying to tell that to about 90% of the LEO's out there!!
Let us not forget the police work for US not the other way around.
Are LEO required to pass a medical and psychological test?
I am not just talking a physical test which I know our City and County don't have to pass, just the shooting test and exam which is pretty much hand fed to them during training.
When Art Acevedo, the new chief from California, saw the video, he strongly disapproved of O’Connor’s action but saw in the footage what some would call “a teaching moment.” Chief Acevedo released the video, told officers to watch it, and made it clear that any officer who did the same as O’Connor would be in serious trouble. The chief’s warning was appropriate and welcome.
But what’s genuinely encouraging is the reaction of officers who watched the video and not only disapproved — we think most officers would — but spoke up about the need for an apology, a personal apology. As professional law enforcement officers, they don’t want to be associated with the kind of behavior on display in the video.
Acevedo said his standard for officer behavior is high. We think most officers already meet that standard. But we applaud the willingness to publicly acknowledge and apologize for failures to live up to that standard. (Link Removed)
I knew a few of these type of officers...EVERY one of them were the guy picked on in school...I have respect for a handful of them but the job in itself seems to attract people that have been punked all their life. So they decide to get a gun and a badge and all the sudden they're somebody...but in reality when they go home after work they're still pussies...
Actually, police-work tends to attract people who ARE bullies and wife-beaters-- it's proven that police have an above-average level of domestic violence at home, and come from abusive homes. So they naturally seek jobs that give them a lot of power without accountability or high qualifiications. No other job lets you use deadly force in public, or forcibly abduct and imprison people, at your discretion-- and get away with ABUSING that discretion, without those things happening to you.
Good Lord. I'm calling you out on this one. What "proof" do you have of these assertions? Post it up or retract your statement--because your assertions are utterly baseless.
APPLICANTS, but not active-duty. In other words, something that would disqualify someone from getting a job, doesn't COST them the job once they have it... kinda like tenure.As a matter of fact, domestic abuse ("wife-beat[ing]") is an automatic disqualification for applicants to LE agencies (at least the ones I've been associated with).
Yep: the 70% majority that ISN'T domestically abusive, are given a bad name when they PROTECT the 30% three-times population average that IS abusive.The fact is that the vast majority of LEOs are hard-working, dedicated, professionals. But, as with any group of people, a few jagoffs can give the whole group a bad name.
Oh yeah, he should get fired for committing a felony that Joe Schmoe would get sent to PRISON for-- geez, typical cop: "We ARE the law."This guy clearly crossed the line and was far too confrontational for no good reason; and then he committed a felonious assault, IMHO. He should have had his badge taken from him.
No, actually the statistics show that it's more like 2 or 3 (70%)-- and even these PROTECT the other 30%. I wasn't born yesterday bub.But for every one out there like this guy there are a hundred (at least) who work their entire careers without ever once behaving anything close to this way.