Permitless Concealed Carry Bill

Unfettered Might

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Concealed Carry In Kentucky Without A License


SUPPORT HB 113 - Link Removed

Rep. Mike Harmon from Danville, the sponsor of this new concealed carry bill, recently met with members of Take Back Kentucky, Campaign for Liberty and, and they fixed the language in the bill. The concerns we had with the bill were not intentional. They were mostly legalese. This is a good bill, and would add Kentucky to Vermont, Alaska, and Arizona as states that do not require a state issued license to practice the fundamental and unalienable right to keep and bear arms, regardless of whether a weapon is openly carried or concealed. We'd keep our existing concealed carry license for those who wanted reciprocity to carry concealed in other states.

It's time for the calls to flood into the Capitol to support HB 113.

Call the Legislative Message line in Frankfort: 1-800-372-7181 (Until 11 PM! No excuses!)

The first Message is for YOUR representative, the House leadership, and the House Judiciary Committee: "Please support our Second Amendment Rights and pass HB 113; the Concealed Carry Bill"

Second Message: Thank representative Mike Harmon for sponsoring HB 113

BTW - Mike Harmon is the running mate of Phil Moffett, a pro-liberty (pro-2A!) candidate for governor in 2011.
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Please take 2 minutes of your time and call your representatives. We need to get this passed. Tell your friends and family and post this on every Kentucky forum for any type of gun related activity that you can find. This is where we the people truly wield our power, where our voice really counts, at the STATE level.

Thanks for your support.

I'm not sure how I feel about this... as a CCDW holder, I feel a huge weight to carry responsibly, be 'trained up' and educated as to my rights and responsibilities.

I know as a gun owner for several prior to receiving my CCDW that the only thought I gave along those lines was to be sure I was transporting my firearms legally as I basically just hunted and plinked.

I do agree with the other amendments to the existing KRS...
I'm not sure how I feel about this... as a CCDW holder, I feel a huge weight to carry responsibly, be 'trained up' and educated as to my rights and responsibilities.

I know as a gun owner for several prior to receiving my CCDW that the only thought I gave along those lines was to be sure I was transporting my firearms legally as I basically just hunted and plinked.

I do agree with the other amendments to the existing KRS...

Being a CCDW holder doesn't make you feel anymore responsible than someone without one. I went and took the class but never got around to turning it in at the sheriff's office. I decided I wanted to exercise my right to OC instead of a privilege to CC, not that I'm knocking anyone for their choice.

I OCed a year before I took the class and already knew all the material in the video and more that wasn't in the video. I even informed the class of the detail that you can take a weapon into a drinking establishment if it's unloaded. Our instructor, who was ex-LE, was like, "Really?" Then he looks over and reads the manual and states, "Your right." The class doesn't teach you about any case law, which is the stuff you should REALLY learn as it has more effect on you when you actually have to use it.

The shooting requirement is absurdly easy and actually a little scary that you can miss 9 times and still pass. Um, isn't that 9 potential victims on the other side of your assailant?

So taking a CCDW class is not the only way one can inform themselves, nor is it any indicator of how proficient or safe you are with a firearm.

Your from Kentucky, how many people do you know that CCed a firearm long before you even could legally? There was never a rash of negligent or accidental shootings before the permit and there won't be any after it's gone. Just look at Alaska, Vermont and Arizona, no problems there.

The point of this is, there shouldn't be a licensing requirement for a constitutional right.

It's in the House Judicial committee now. We need to tell the members what we want from them.

Legislative Judicial committee email addresses.

Judiciary committee, 16 members.

They all had addresses I was able to copy & paste into an email, except for the following, GREGORY, OWENS, CRENSHAW, Stan LEE, NEMES, RUDY, which require you to fill out a form on the Legislature website and contact them in that manner:

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Copy and paste the email into your email program. Send one email addressed to all of them telling them to support HB 113. Put "support HB 113" in the subject line so they know what it's about even if they don't read it all. The six without emails can be found here:

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Just click the members name, then follow the message link on each members page. Copy and paste the same message into the message box. You may have to type in your name and other info for each one. Do it right away. Then send the same email to your reps. for when it comes to the floor.

Keep up the support!!
Being a CCDW holder doesn't make you feel anymore responsible than someone without one. I went and took the class but never got around to turning it in at the sheriff's office. I decided I wanted to exercise my right to OC instead of a privilege to CC, not that I'm knocking anyone for their choice.

I OCed a year before I took the class and already knew all the material in the video and more that wasn't in the video. I even informed the class of the detail that you can take a weapon into a drinking establishment if it's unloaded. Our instructor, who was ex-LE, was like, "Really?" Then he looks over and reads the manual and states, "Your right." The class doesn't teach you about any case law, which is the stuff you should REALLY learn as it has more effect on you when you actually have to use it.

The shooting requirement is absurdly easy and actually a little scary that you can miss 9 times and still pass. Um, isn't that 9 potential victims on the other side of your assailant?

So taking a CCDW class is not the only way one can inform themselves, nor is it any indicator of how proficient or safe you are with a firearm.

Your from Kentucky, how many people do you know that CCed a firearm long before you even could legally? There was never a rash of negligent or accidental shootings before the permit and there won't be any after it's gone. Just look at Alaska, Vermont and Arizona, no problems there.

The point of this is, there shouldn't be a licensing requirement for a constitutional right.

Not sure you know how "I feel" about my responsibility to CC - never said holding a CCDW makes anyone more responsible but you are sure asking for a lot of headaches if you are carrying and aren't constantly aware of the implications- the class at least makes sure you've heard them once (if you can stay awake through the video!).

Also, you are assuming a lot that anyone who takes the CCW class stops there in their education concerning how and when to carry. I understand the point but not sure what good carrying an UNloaded firearm into a drinking establishment is going to do you- I think I'd rather have a Louisville Slugger in that situation.

The CCDW permitting process is a beginning point and shouldn't be the end-all be-all for training/education and on that, I believe, we agree. But anyone carrying should be exposed to all of the possibilities (legal and moral)- it seems you would be the exception to the rule of folks doing all of their homework before carrying.
Not sure you know how "I feel" about my responsibility to CC - never said holding a CCDW makes anyone more responsible but you are sure asking for a lot of headaches if you are carrying and aren't constantly aware of the implications- the class at least makes sure you've heard them once (if you can stay awake through the video!).

Also, you are assuming a lot that anyone who takes the CCW class stops there in their education concerning how and when to carry. I understand the point but not sure what good carrying an UNloaded firearm into a drinking establishment is going to do you- I think I'd rather have a Louisville Slugger in that situation.

The CCDW permitting process is a beginning point and shouldn't be the end-all be-all for training/education and on that, I believe, we agree. But anyone carrying should be exposed to all of the possibilities (legal and moral)- it seems you would be the exception to the rule of folks doing all of their homework before carrying.

It's true, we do agree on the point that someone needs to train. Where we differ is, I believe it should be on their own time, not as a requirement to perform what should be a legal act anyway. Nor do I think that taking the CCDW class would make an otherwise less inclined person, to educate themselves fully on the law. Most of the ones that even think about it, won't go through with it. But I will concede that a few will, but not enough to justify the infringement.

Someone so inclined is going to do it either way

Lol, well yeah it's not the most immediately useful device when it's unloaded. But if someone were to come in shooting, you would still be better off even if you had to slap a magazine in and rack the slide.

OC has been legal without a permit in our state for over 100 years and CC should too. Everyone is entitled to the ability to defend themselves against a lethal assailant regardless of training and not be forced to expose it if without a license, it's asinine.

To pass this bill is to stay true to the words of the second amendment and honor our heritage.
So what's the latest status on the bill? There's only a handful of days left in the 'short' session.

I saw where South Carolina has a similar bill (didn't read theirs) and I believe it passed but not sure if the gov. has signed it yet.
So what's the latest status on the bill? There's only a handful of days left in the 'short' session.

I saw where South Carolina has a similar bill (didn't read theirs) and I believe it passed but not sure if the gov. has signed it yet.

Unknown since the last update, will post new info as it becomes available.

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