Permit change from FL to TN


New member
Does anyone know what I have to do to change my CC permit from FL to TN.In FL you are allowed to carry 5 weapons as long as they are concealed
Does anyone know what I have to do to change my CC permit from FL to TN.In FL you are allowed to carry 5 weapons as long as they are concealed

I cannot find any "transfer" procedures from FL to TN. I believe you will have to file for a TN HCP after you establish residence. TN has no restrictions on type or number of handguns carried, We can even carry a long gun in car as long as there is no round in chamber. (i.e. SG, tube loaded, chamber empty "Cruiser Mode".) As TN has reciprocal with every state that issues permits, you lose nothing in getting TN permit.
ChefTim, Welcome to the great state of Tennessee.
Tennessee allows you to change your FL CC to TN within 6 months of establishing a residency. Go to this website and it will give you the information you seek.
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