Out of State visitor could use some knowledge


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So I'm from Georgia and I have a Georgia Weapons Carry License (and Tennessee is in reciprocity with Georgia) and I'm going to visit her campus in Tennessee and will be parking on the road in a parking meter spot. I've read that I cannot carry on school property, so can I keep it in the glove compartment of my car while it is parked on the road next to the school dorms? I'm familiar with Georgia laws regarding carrying but I'm having a bit of difficulty with Tennessee laws regarding this exact situation.

Anything specific or odd that I might need to know as well?

Thank you sooooo much in advance!!!

Handgunlaw.us Says non-student adult can have pistol locked in vehicle if not handled while on school property. It's a website not the state laws site. For what it's worth.
YooperRob is right. But there is lots of debate whether the firearm has to be unloaded or not. Of course unless searched not sure how anyone would know. If you are parked on a public road, even if adjacent to school property it is completely legal however you want to store it.

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