Open Carry Meeting and Training


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The following meeting and training will happen on November 18th. Please be there. Contact Gene German with any questions and to register.
The Proposal for Wisconsin:

I am proposing that citizens make a request to every Wisconsin county, to formally affirm the rights of law abiding citizens as protected by the Wisconsin constitution, by adopting a Resolution. This Resolution would also stipulate that open carry is lawful and prohibit anyone from restricting a citizens’ lawful exercise of their constitutionally protected rights.

A similar approach (discussed below) is working in Illinois where they have an anti gun legislature and governor, who ignore the constitutionally protected rights of Illinois citizens. Neither the Wisconsin legislature nor the governor is motivated to do anything to enforce your rights today. However if thousands of lawfully armed citizens openly carry, that may change. As citizens openly carry without any background checks or the benefit of training, it may lead to the passing of a good carry law in Wisconsin, no matter who the governor is.

Who knows if the Illinois plan to protect gun owners rights will work or not in Wisconsin, but it won’t work for sure if we don’t even try.

Another Illinois County Considers Pro-Right to Keep and Bear Arms Resolution: The Coles County Board is being asked to lend its support to an organization backing gun owner rights at the state and federal level. At its meeting tonight, the board is scheduled to vote on a resolution to “oppose the enactment of any legislation that would infringe upon the rights of the people to keep and bear arms.” John Hamilton, a Charleston resident, asked the board to consider the matter and said he’s working with a group called Illinois Pro-Second Amendment Resolution. He said about 45 counties in Illinois have already adopted the resolution.

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South Cook County Residents Defend RKBA: On Wednesday, the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) announced that last night Approximately 200 firearm owners packed the Tinley Park American Legion Post so that they could learn what they might do to prevent the spread of "Chicago-style" gun control to south Cook County, where the Tinley Park village council is considering passing legislation to ban nearly every kind of privately owned firearm from the village. "Chicago-style" gun control includes aspects of legislation such as Chicago Mayor Richard Daley's plan to establish 100-mile "gun free" zone around Chicago.

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Meanwhile, Southwest Of There…: Several Tazewell County Board members voted Wednesday to support gun owners' rights by opposing any legislation that goes against the Second Amendment. Tazewell County Board Chairman Jim Unsicker said members of the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) requested he put forward the resolution, which asks counties to oppose any state legislation that would infringe on gun owners' rights.

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Illinois County RKBA Vote Redundant But Necessary: The Coles County Board pulled the trigger on a redundancy at its last meeting, but managed to hit its target. The redundancy was a 12-0 vote to adopt an advisory resolution pledging it will “oppose the enactment of any legislation that would infringe upon the rights of the people to keep and bear arms.” … The target of the county board’s resolution was proposed state legislation to eliminate shotguns. As of Thursday, 53 counties have adopted the resolution. (Illinois has 102 counties.)

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There Are Two Objectives:

First, this proposal is meant to discourage potential police harassment of citizens who openly carry for self defense.

The second objective is to eventually enact a good permit to carry law (not mandated concealed carry). The mechanics of carry should be your decision.

We Must Correct Our Message:

We have to change the public perception that Governor Doyle’s vetos of the two Personal Protection Act’s means that no one can carry. That is wrong.

When citizens can begin to lawfully open carry without the threat of law enforcement harassment, it will send the correct message about the rights that all law abiding citizens possess to remain safe. This is not about guns! We can give the Right to Keep and Bear Arms amendment to the Wisconsin constitution real meaning by actually using it.

This is NOT About Concealed Carry Either:

To my knowledge, none of the Wisconsin Supreme Court cases have ever dealt with open carry, per se. We know concealed carry is illegal § 941.23, so accept it. We know the constitution says: The people have the right to keep and bear arms for security, defense, hunting, recreation or any other lawful purpose. Art. I, § 25 (enacted 1998). By process of elimination, open carry is the only way a citizen may lawfully exercise their constitutionally protected right to bear arms for self defense in Wisconsin today.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court Mentions Open Carry in Hamdan: )

¶124 Wisconsin Stat. § 941.23 is similarly constitutional when applied to the defendant because it does not eliminate the right of an owner of a privately operated business to bear arms for security or defense but simply limits the manner in which he or she may exercise the right to bear arms. That is, § 941.23 does not prevent anyone from carrying a firearm for security, defense, hunting, recreation, or other lawful purposes. Rather, it limits the manner of carrying weapons, by requiring that a weapon that is on a person or within a person's reach not be concealed.67 The gist of the offense is the concealment. Thus, nothing about Wis. Stat. § 941.23 comes close to eviscerating, destroying, frustrating, or nullifying the right to bear arms in Wisconsin for the defendant here or any other person. The right to bear arms "is not impaired by requiring individuals to carry weapons openly."68

(Footnotes can be found in the above link)

Demand Equal Treatment for All Your Rights:

No one would allow the police to harass or threaten you with a Disorderly Conduct charge just for waiting in line to vote, or for entering a church, or arrest you for writing a letter to the editor, or for speaking your mind. It should not be tolerated that police harass or threaten your civil right to be safe for no other reason than you are lawfully armed.

Take the Fight Where Governor Doyle Can’t Stop You:

The Illinois legislature (the majority is made up from Cook County) and governor are all gun control advocates so the people of Illinois are going below them to the county level. Illinois has no permit law and the right to keep and bear arms is protected by their state constitution, similar to Wisconsin. It has been nearly one year since the first county “revolted” against the Illinois legislature and governor and now 53 out of 102 counties, have adopted a similar right to keep and bear arms resolution.

As counties affirm every citizens’ civil rights, this will begin a domino effect in Wisconsin as it did in Illinois. Citizens all over the state are being asked to present the following Resolution for passage to their county boards.

The Resolution:

Be it resolved, that the county of _________ Wisconsin, affirms that the people have the constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms for security, defense, hunting, recreation or any other lawful purpose. Be it further resolved that open carry is not an unlawful means to exercise these rights, and that no one may restrict a citizens’ lawful exercise of their constitutionally protected rights.

What you can do:

If this makes sense to you, please copy and paste the language below into an email or letter, and send it to your county clerk formally requesting adoption by the Board. Please insert your clerk’s name, the county name and be sure you include your name and contact information. You can find the contact information for your county clerk at the following link: Link Removed

You should also plan to attend the board meeting to speak for the Resolution and why it is necessary for counties to help prevent potential police harassment of citizens who openly carry. Bring all your friends.

Copy and paste the following language into an email:

Dear (use the county clerk’s name),

Please present the following Resolution to the county board for consideration and adoption at the next earliest Board meeting.

By adopting this Resolution, the County Board affirms the protected rights that we as citizens have to keep and bear arms as protected by the Wisconsin Constitution.

The Resolution further protects the infringement of those rights by law enforcement for all citizens who choose to lawfully exercise their rights.

Be it resolved, that the county of _Insert County Name _ Wisconsin, affirms that the people have the constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms for security, defense, hunting, recreation or any other lawful purpose. Be it further resolved that open carry is not an unlawful means to exercise these rights, and that no one may restrict a citizens’ lawful exercise of their constitutionally protected rights.

I would appreciate your notification to me when this Resolution will be placed on the agenda so that I may plan to attend the meeting and speak in support of its adoption.

Yours truly,

Your contact information

What I will do:

I will discuss this proposal with you and answer your questions by email ([email protected]) so you are prepared. (Also see training date below)

Once you make your request, let me know when this will be placed on your county boards’ agenda.

If you are not comfortable discussing this with the media, you can refer them to me. They will be calling.

I will share your success with others on my website (Wisconsin page), as you create momentum.


I am holding Liberty Training on Sunday, November 18th at the Oconomowoc Sportsman's Club, N5799 Mill Road, Concord, Wis. 53178-9734 phone: 262-593-8990. We will start at 1 p m and go until everyone is up to speed. I realize this is the deer hunting opener weekend, but it is the only date I have open in November.

This training will further explain what we are doing, answer your questions, and to prepare you to speak at your county board meeting. There will be a nominal fee of $10 per person to cover costs. You can either email me or call 612.388.2403 with your name and your email address to register (registration is required). Space is limited so please reserve your seat early. Your check can be mailed to Gene German, P O Box 202, Excelsior, MN 55331.


We can do this if you share this email with all your friends, and they do the same and so on, and then take action and make the request to your county clerk. The greater the numbers of citizens who request the adoption of this Resolution and then show up in support of this Resolution, the higher the chance you have of success.

Citizens are packing the county board rooms all over Illinois and it is paying off! You can get the ball rolling in Wisconsin if you will make the request to your county board today.

It’s About Liberty, Your Liberty.

Gene German
Minnesota DPS Certified Firearms Instructor
Utah BCI Certified Firearms Instructor
AACFI Wisconsin State Director
Executive Director, Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance

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