Online Petition for NC Residents

does anyone have an idea of what I should include in my letter to my senators and congressman. I think this law is very important and would like to help get it passed.. Any help from anyone is greatly appreciated..
Go to the Grass Roots North Carolina website ( and they have a link to a pre-written form that you sign and send via e-mail.
By-the-way: the Castle Doctrine bill has been introduced in the NC House (along with five other pro-gun bills). You can receive free e-mail alerts from Grass Roots NC. Just go to the website and sign up, its free. Incidentally, membership is only $25.00 a year and it is worth it!
the sheriffs association just kicked out an opposed bill from the nra that would dismiss the paper permits for buying a pistol.

how can the sheriffs association dismiss a bill proposal before it gets looked at?

anyways, add this one on your list boys. i did some research, tenn, and va do not have to get a permit to purchase a pistol.

if this bill ever gets a chance to be looked at , it would make buying a pistol just like a rifle.

e-mail them senators guys and gals. i think the sheriffs asso. kicked this one out because they will loose money chargin us 5$ a permit.
Castle Doctrine is done?

Deadly Force / Castle Doctrine:
North Carolina is a Castle Doctrine state and has a stand-your-ground law.

The above statement is from this web site and its pertinent state (NC). Is this not true or are we missing something?:pleasantry:

NC Version of the Castle Doctrine

§ 14 51.1. Use of deadly physical force against an intruder.
(a) A lawful occupant within a home or other place of residence is justified in using any degree of force that the occupant reasonably believes is necessary, including deadly force, against an intruder to prevent a forcible entry into the home or residence or to terminate the intruder's unlawful entry (i) if the occupant reasonably apprehends that the intruder may kill or inflict serious bodily harm to the occupant or others in the home or residence, or (ii) if the occupant reasonably believes that the intruder intends to commit a felony in the home or residence.
(b) A lawful occupant within a home or other place of residence does not have a duty to retreat from an intruder in the circumstances described in this section.
(c) This section is not intended to repeal, expand, or limit any other defense that may exist under the common law. (1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 673, s. 1.)

Case Note: Construction.—In enacting G.S. 14-51.1, the general assembly broadened the definition of habitation to make the use of deadly force justifiable whether to prevent unlawful entry into the home or to terminate an unlawful entry by an intruder. State v. Blue, 356 N.C. 79, 565 S.E.2nd 133, 2002 N.C. LEXIS 540 (2002).
"Online petitions" are worthless. The only thing they are good for is wiping your ass. If you want to start a real petition, you can find examples of petitions on the internet.
"Online petitions" are worthless. The only thing they are good for is wiping your ass. If you want to start a real petition, you can find examples of petitions on the internet.

So let me see if I understand this:

"Online" petitions are worthless.
Examples of real petitions are found on the "Internet."


Just kidding, NCjones! :biggrin:

If you or your family are attacked in your own home and you defend yourself, you could be sued by the person who attacked you or by their family! Unbelievable!

North Carolina Senate Bill 928 would shield you and your family from vicious lawsuits should you chose to protect yourself rather than allowing an attacker to harm you or your family. This bill was widely accepted by our legislature and referred to committee prior to final approval. Representative Deborah Ross, a trial lawyer and chairperson of the Judiciary Committee, has refused to let this bill out of her committee. It has been held hostage there since May 2009.

Click here to read The Castle Doctrine for yourself, and make up your own mind whether you support this bill or not.

If you do want protection from lawyers so you can protect yourself and your family from criminals, please DO NOT call Deborah Ross at 919-733-5773 or e-mail her at [email protected].
SHE DOES NOT CARE what her constituents think and has heard from most of you already. This is a personal agenda for her and as such she is unapproachable. However her committee may be.

Tell them their committee chairperson is wrong and by association they are viewed as wrong although they may actually be very nice people! (Drive a wedge between them!)

Vice Chairs of this committee include:
Melanie Goodwin
[email protected]
Melanie is from Hamlet, NC. Please forward this to anyone you may know in that area.

Grier Martin
[email protected]
Grier is from Wake County

Paul Stam
[email protected]
Paul is from Apex, NC
NC State Rep. Deborah Ross is a former ACLU Attorney, need I say more about her refusal to allow HB-1131 to move forward? (By the way, HB-1131 is a bill to correct some flaws in NC's already exisiting Castle Doctrine Law). :no:

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