"objective journalism" at it's finest... [sarcasm]

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He's not a vigilante. He's not a nut. He's just another average Minnesotan who has acquired the power to kill.

Acquired the power to kill? Tell ya what. I can kill a guy with a steak knife, or a pencil, or a rope, or even that big rock I've got in my yard. Maybe we should require all rock owners to have permits too. Where do I apply for my permit to carry a pencil? :crazy_pilot:

What did you expect from anything called the "Star Tribune." I had never read a conservative article written by a staff member in one that I can remember. That is the main reason I don't buy any paper. The owners can all burn in hell for what they have done to this country. (Short rant, sorry.)

I did like a couple of things that Mr. Easton said. One stuck out specifically. He said, "When you're carrying a gun, you can't afford to get accused of causing trouble, so you let things roll off your back," he said. "You wave with all five fingers."

I have found his statement to be very true.
Everyone with a driver's license has the power to kill. Lot more of those potential (and actual) killers out there.
Iam2Taz, I have never expected anything worthwhile to ever come from the Strib. On the rare occasion that I'm somewhere one of their papers has been delivered, there are only 3 pages in the whole thing I read - 2 pages of comics and the page that has the Isaac Asimov Super Quiz on it.

The main reason I don't buy any paper? Pheh, after working at one for 6 years and seeing how money and people were managed, I'd rather not give them one red cent.
What did you expect from anything called the "Star Tribune." I had never read a conservative article written by a staff member in one that I can remember. That is the main reason I don't buy any paper. The owners can all burn in hell for what they have done to this country. (Short rant, sorry.)

I did like a couple of things that Mr. Easton said. One stuck out specifically. He said, "When you're carrying a gun, you can't afford to get accused of causing trouble, so you let things roll off your back," he said. "You wave with all five fingers."

I have found his statement to be very true.


...and that's the way it should be!

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