Obama Administration and UN Announce Global Police Force to Fight ‘Extremism’ In U.S.


On Wednesday, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced at the United Nations that her office would be working in several American cities to form what she called the Strong Cities Network (SCN), a law enforcement initiative (global police force) that would encompass the globe.

Obama Administration and UN Announce Global Police Force to Fight 'Extremism' In U.S. - Breitbart

~ "What Good Fortune For Governments That The people Do Not Think" ~
- Adolph Hitler​

There goes the sovereignty of the country right down the drain. The POTUS has done so many things to destroy us and there have not been any repercussions thus far. He has just recently been charged with treason by a South American president and nothing has happened there either. Let's face it, the putz did promise us change. Damn if he hasn't done it!
As America Sleeps, The Dark Days Ronald Reagan Warned Us About Have Arrived
by Geoffrey Grider

These are the days Ronald Reagan warned us would come if we did not remain vigilant. We haven't been, and they are here.

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." - Ronald Reagan, 40th American President.

In 2016, the Democrat front-runner for president, Bernie Sanders, is an out-of-the-closet Socialist who makes no bones about his political ideology. None at all. Unlike Barack Obama, who pretended to be Christian, American and patriotic, Bernie Sanders has no false front of any kind. You vote for him and he will fully recast America as a third-world Socialist nation. Everywhere he goes, he is greeted by screaming throngs of Obamaphone groupies who are salivating at the prospect of him being the next occupier of the Oval Office. I watch this happening on the news and ask myself "what happened to my America?" It's gone. There is a spirit that has settled down on America, an evil spirit, and it has blinded the eyes and minds of our citizens. As a nation, we are watching the transition to a completely pagan, Godless society with no values, no morals, no Bible, no Ten Commandments, and no Jesus Christ anywhere to be seen. America uses taxpayer dollars to fund the murder of millions of it's most helpless citizens every year. The Center for Medical Progress comes along with a series of videos exposing the atrocities of Planned Parenthood, and the government wants to investigate the them, and not Planned Parenthood. 12 citizens were slaughtered just last week for being Christians, and our president uses it for stump speech on gun control, uttering not a single word about them being targeted for death because of their faith. But on February 13, 2015, talking about 3 Muslims who were killed, Obama had this to say:"No one in the United States of America should ever be targeted because of who they are, what they look like, or how they worship," spoken by Barack Obama in defense of Muslims." Barack Obama breaks silence on murder of three young Muslims - Telegraph

Right now, America's leaders are siding listlessly on the sidelines, watching Russia dominate the narrative in the Middle East. While Putin takes charge, America sits in the corner like a pusillanimous, effeminate cipher with no mission, no direction, no leadership and no hope. And the American people just sit back and watch it all unravel, no protests in the streets, no marches on Washington, nothing. The New World Order powers that actually control this nation know that their time has arrived. They know that they can act with impunity and there will be no reprisals. The persecution of Christians in this country are well underway. Kim Davis was thrown in jail for refusing to issue gay marriage licenses, Christian bakers Aaron and Melissa Klein were fined $135,000.00 for refusing to make a queer "wedding" cake, a US Marine court-martialed for having a Bible verse on her computer, and Barronelle Stutzman was driven from her flower shop business for refusing to do flower arrangement for a same-sex "wedding". I could give you 50 more examples right now of people, American citizens, who are being persecuted because they are Christians and nothing else. Right now, while you read this, America citizen and Christian pastor Saeed Abedini and 3 others are rotting in an Iranian prison because no one in Washington cares one bit about their freedom. Their release was never part of any of the negotiations of Obama's Iranian Nuclear Deal, and it's highly likely that Saeed will be executed for his faith. But ask Obama to spend $5 billion dollars and release 5 Taliban terrorists in Gitmo to welcome US Army traitor and deserter Bowie Bergdahl to the White House? Sure! Happy to do it. That's a deal he can get behind.

~ "What Good Fortune For Governments That The people Do Not Think" ~
- Adolph Hitler-​

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That's funny! Especially when you take into consideration that it's posted on a forum where the vast majority of the regular posters have never had a real job and even at the age of 40, 59, and even 60yo still live with their mom.

Sten: You are hilarious. Please, tell us all how you arrive at your conclusion that the majority of regular posters on here have never had a real job. Still live with their mothers? Basement command post? Don't own guns, etc., etc. What is your particular claim to fame that you think sets you above others? You have posted just enough about yourself to prove you are just like the majority on here, nothing more, nothing less. Maybe you have an inferiority complex that makes you try to belittle others in order to improve your opinion of yourself, ya' think? On occasion, you do make some interesting posts that we can all enjoy and/or relate to but, you turn around and go off on a wild tangent belittling others. You come across much better without your sarcasm.

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