NRA Personal Protection in the Home Course


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Stephen Todd and I will be hosting an NRA PPITH Course on Saturday Feb 27, 2010 beginning at 0830 at in Modoc, SC (15 minutes from Augusta, GA). The cost of the course is $150 and includes the NRA PPITH Student book, range fees, and lunch. We also have a Personal Protection K-9 demo scheduled by Matt Hammond of All students will need a handgun with 250 rounds of ammo, ears, eyes, and knee pads if desired. For more information you can contact me at [email protected].
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Thanks for the info. I would love to join you guys, but I'll be going out of town that weekend. I wasn't aware of redbarnfirearms. Its very nice to see classes like this being offered locally. One suggestion: You guys should set up a newsletter to help keep people out of the loop (like me) up to speed on what ya got going on.
RedXd, Stephen just recently opened his gun shop in Modoc. He also has a range and classroom at the shop. I will be helping him run some NRA and advanced courses coming up this year. We are both NRA Instructors and I am a Law Enforcement firearms/tactical instructor and plan on bringing some advanced techniques and classes to the responsible civilian market. He has a course schedule on his website. Thanks for the input.

Thanks for the quick reply. I'll be watching the website closely. I know I'm not alone when I say we locals are fortunate to have classes such as these starting up in the area. I'll do my best to spread the word, and take some classes for ya as well.

Thanks again,
Travis, thanks for the plug. We are trying to bring training to the area. In Georgia it seems the hub of training in in ATL and there is not much in SC. I plan on using my exerience in the militay and as LE and NRA Firearms Instructor to the responsible civilian market. We are also looking at hosting courses across the river in Augusta (I live in GA) at Pinetucky Gun Club. One of my buddies at another gun store is a member and we want to flood the area with good quality firearms instruction. If you have any questions you can contact me directly at [email protected] for my bio and further information. Thanks for helping spread the word.

Registration for the course is open and shooters are signing up. If you are interested in attending, e-mail me so we can get you signed up before the course is full. Thanks.
Do you have a website?

Any plans for future courses. I live in Aiken and am interested. I can't make 2/27 due to another course on the same day that I've already paid for.
The website is Link Removed. We try to keep it updated, but we also list all of our course on the NRA Trianing website. Link Removed
Still have 3 slots open if you are interested. We dropped the price $25 to help off-set the cost for students.

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