Non-participant in LEO shootings


New member
For what ever reason there have been a number of Police shootings in the 27 years I've lived in Las Vegas. They've always been found to be Justified by the investigation board and that's not my issue. My issue is I don't want to participate in a Justified Police Shooting by accident. As a part of the CCW class the instructor stated that in a traffic stop the Officer has already run your plates and is aware you may be carrying and therefore may be in a stressed state of mind when approaching you--I'd be if I were the cop. Any suggestions on course of action to pursue--hand on wheel, on roof, out window--when stopped for whatever reason?
My recommendation...

Don't do anything illegal and therefore, don't get pulled over.

But if it happens anyway, or you happen upon a roadblock:
License and permit in hand (or wallet) with hands clearly visible (such as on the steering wheel) with your window partially lowered.
It also helps to turn on the interior light at night (instead of having a MagLight shone in your face).

This has worked for me in the past at roadblocks, and when I was too stupid to obey traffic laws.
GregRN said it well. The one thing I might add is not to make a bunch or movements while the officer is approaching. ie, not digging around for registration and insurance in the glove box.

Either have it readily available or wait until he is there and tell him what you are going to do. Example: I am going to get my documents from the glove compartment, is that OK? Or wait for directions from the officer.

Your CCW info is not connected to your car plates here in Tennessee, but it is connected to your DL info.

So, I've been told to hand both your DL and your CCW permit together to the officer to eliminate any misunderstandings later.
Yep! In Nevada your permit comes up when your plate is run.

If I am stopped for any reason, even though we do not have a "duty to inform" the officer in Nevada, I will out of courtesy.

As the officer approaches my vehicle I will have both hands on the steering wheel at 10 & 2 and my driver's window down. If it is night I will have my dome light on. I will wait for him/her to initiate the conversation and then tell the officer something like... "Out of concern for officer safety I'd like to let you know that I am legally carrying a loaded firearm".

Something like that. Unless the officer does something to change my mind, I consider the police to be the good guys! :D

I've been a policeman for fifteen years in Michigan. For the most part police officers are not worried about CCW license holders as opposed to criminals with guns. As long as you are up front with him/her you should be just fine.

When you start acting paranoid and bringing attention to yourself, the police officer might start getting a little jumpy. As a person who also carries a gun you know that guns don't go off by themselves. Contrary to popular belief police officers don't just shoot people. Especially not law abiding people who just happen to be lawfully carrying a gun.:)

I have had both good and bad encounters with LEO's. I have found a method that works for me. I roll down all windows, I turn the dome light on, then I either place both my hands on the wheel with my fingers spread, or I place my left arm out of the window and rest my right arm on the pass. seat with my hand up. then all you have to do is great them pleasently and when they ask for your DL tell them where is is , go for it slowly and hand over your ccp with your dl.

This doesn't seem to spook them as much as saying"good evening officer, I want to inform you I have a weapon on my person." I just stay calm and ask them if they want me to handmy weapon to them or if they would feel more comfortable doing it themselves. I have even had one officer tell me that he thought it was just fine where it was and just went on with it. On the other had I also have been questioned about having one in the pipe, not using a safety, and then has the officer unload both of my mags before handing every thing to me in a pile and telling me to to load it till I got home.

The real key in a traffic stop is to be calm and relaxed. I rarely turn off the radio, and I always look annoyed at the delay. However I am paying the guys salary so I do thank him for doing his job. But that is all that I allow him to do, nothing more.
This doesn't seem to spook them as much as saying"good evening officer, I want to inform you I have a weapon on my person." I just stay calm and ask them if they want me to handmy weapon to them or if they would feel more comfortable doing it themselves.

It would make me really uncomfortable to handle my firearm in the presence of an officer making a stop. I mean... one accidental move and... jeez!

On the other had I also have been questioned about having one in the pipe, not using a safety, and then has the officer unload both of my mags before handing every thing to me in a pile and telling me to to load it till I got home.

That sucks. I hate bullies. Good thing most officers aren't like this.
I hate Bully Cops Too!!!

I was a Police Officer for over 17 years. Usually when I pulled someone over you have to practice some tactics, and be very cautious. But, my general rule was that if he's telling me he has a gun and letting me know where it is, I usually don't have to worry about these guys. If they have a concealed carry permit, I usually found them courteous and always informed me of their gun. There were occassional exceptions, with the conspiracy theorist / wanna be militia/ I know my rights types, who's attitude was I'm not required to tell you anything; to be nice and polite; you don't have the right to know anything kind of guy that always tends to go overboard so he can make a point about the Second Amendment. Those are the ones who get treated with less respect, because they come off as you being an enemy of his rights. But I usually left them with an understanding that I was an NRA member and a gun owning citizen also, not the gun gestapo.
On the other hand, I did know some "young" officers and some that were a little over-zealous in their handling of even good guys with guns. They took the tactics a little too far, treating everyone who had a gun and was not a cop, as suspicious. Usually these were guys who had never been around guns their entire life until becomming a cop. Guns were still unusual to them, and since they graduated a Police Academy, they were the only ones who knew how to handle a gun, or should be authorized to have one. Those are usually the guys who get everybody out of the car like a felon, or go berzerk when you don't "follow orders". They have an "I'm the authority Complex". By all means their Cheif should get a complaint about the way they handle things, as long as it is not within reason. If enough people get treated that way and complain, the honchos will notice a trend. Sometimes they get trained by the people they stop and after enough bad folks, everyone gets looked down at. I have stopped some real idiots and coneheads in my career. It's hard after a while to not look badly at all people sometimes, but you have to look at everyone as the situation unfolds and take the appropriate action. That way you don't treat everyone as a criminal type.
As I said, most cops do not think that gun owners are bad people or dangerous. Heck, I've had them back me up in a bad situation. Sometimes cops can treat people improperly. When it does happen, everybody nows about it. But when a good cop does something right, nobody knows about it. People tend to call and complain rather that compliment. So therefore, if you get a Police officer who treats you right (notice I didn't say he didn't give you a ticket) but treats you right and with respect, while you are armed; let his cheif know that too. SORRY FOR THE NOVEL.
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I hate Bully Cops Too!!!

I was a Police Officer for over 17 years. Usually when you pull someone over, you have to practice some tactics, and be very cautious. Cops wouldn't get killed on traffic stops if there was no danger. But, my general rule was that if he's telling me he has a gun and letting me know where it is, I usually don't have to worry about these guys. If they have a concealed carry permit, I usually found them courteous and always informed me of their gun. There were occassional exceptions, with the conspiracy theorist / wanna be militia/ I know my rights types, who's attitude was I'm not required to tell you anything; to be nice and polite; you don't have the right to know anything kind of guy that always tends to go overboard so he can make a point about the Second Amendment. You know some of those and so do I. You wanna be a Hard*ss, so can I. Those are the ones who get treated with less respect, because they come off as you being an enemy of his rights and disrespectful. But I usually left them with an understanding that I was an NRA member and a gun owning citizen also, not the gun gestapo.
On the other hand, I did know some "young" officers and some that were a little over-zealous in their handling of even good guys with guns. They took the tactics a little too far, treating everyone who had a gun and was not a cop, as suspicious. Usually these were guys who had never been around guns their entire life until becomming a cop. Guns were still unusual to them, and since they graduated a Police Academy, they were the only ones who knew how to handle a gun, or should be authorized to have one. Those are usually the guys who get everybody out of the car like a felon, or go berzerk when you don't "follow orders". They have an "I'm the authority Complex". By all means, their Cheif should get a complaint about the way they handle things, as long as it is not within reason. If enough people get treated that way and complain, the honchos will notice a trend. Sometimes they get trained by the people they stop and after enough bad folks, everyone gets looked down at. I have stopped some real idiots and coneheads in my career. It's hard after a while to not look badly at all people sometimes, but you have to look at everyone seperately as the situation unfolds and take the appropriate action. That way you don't treat everyone as a criminal type.
As I said, most cops do not think that gun owners are bad people or dangerous. Heck, I've had armed citizens back me up in a bad situation. Sometimes' "some" cops can treat people improperly. When it does happen, everybody nows about it. But when a good cop does something right, nobody knows about it. People tend to call and complain rather that compliment. So therefore, if you get a Police officer who treats you right (notice I didn't say he didn't give you a ticket) but treats you right and with respect, while you are armed; let his cheif know that too.:cool:
99.9 percent of the officers out there are the most decent and honorable people one will meet. Unfortunately, the ones as described above, are the ones to make splashes. I've had every encounter on earth, but staying calm and trying to make the officer at ease seems the best approach. Its a good idea to comment on an officer no matter what. The good ones need the praise. It makes the bad ones sweep behind the walls along with their bad comments. It seems that everytime I get questioned by officers, no breaking of the law involved, its a felony stop. I tend to draw the small percentage for some reason. But, I lived next too, worked with, and known many law enforcement individuals and there all great and the majority. Know the laws of your state and inform as you deem fit. I inform no matter what, just as a courtesy. Dont fumble after your stopped and follow directions. Expect the worse, get ready for the finest and best.
Cops are in a fairly high risk occupation--for our benefit. I do not understand the need to treat them with anything but consideration and politeness. In my dozen or so encounters through the years I have carried, I have never had one that was aggressive or rude in return.

Put yourself in his place. He's seen the videos of cops getting shot in traffic stops, and maybe it has happened to someone he actually knows. Help him feel at ease.

1. Get off the cell phone and don't answer it if it rings. Turn off your car (and radio!). Put the keys on the dash. Have your driver's license, car registration, handgun permit (required to hand over in Utah), and insurance info (if required) where they are easily accessible so you don't have to jump around the interior of the car while he is calling in your plate or approaching your car. A lot of movement will make an officer suspicious as to what you are doing. I keep my permit behind my driver's license in my wallet, and the other papers stored right close to me (not over in the glove compartment).

2. Before he approaches, if you have electric windows, and especially if they are tinted, roll them all down, on all sides, even if it is cold. Turn on your interior lights if it is night time. This lets him see what is going on in the car with good lighting, which helps him to assess the situation as less of a personal threat. It also lets him know you are trying to cooperate, which goes a long way toward forming a good attitude toward you.

3. Stay in the car. Do not get out. Keep your hands where he can see them; on the steering wheel is best. Keep them there, with your paperwork in your left hand with your permit on top of your DL so it is the first thing he will see. Let him initiate the conversation. You don't need to volunteer any information, including about how fast you were going or what you may have done wrong. "I don't know," is always an acceptable response. Just be polite and follow his instructions. When he asks for your license and registration, slowly hand it to him, and put your hand back on the wheel.

4. He will next most likely ask you if you have your gun with you. Keeping your hands on the wheel, say, "Yes, sir," and tell him where it is. At this point, I have found it helpful to ask him, "What would you like me to do?"

5. Follow his instructions. He will most likely say, "That's fine. I'll be right back." You have given him a series of significant signals that should say you are not a threat; just a good guy going a little too fast. If he wants you to retrieve the gun, get out of the car, or make any other moves under his direction, do so deliberately and carefully and keep your hands where he can see them. (I have never had this happen).

If in any way you "cop an attitude", he may become a cop with an attitude, and he is likely to prevail, at least in the short term. He does have authority, which you have given him, and he wants to go home at the end of his shift. It isn't worth the hassle. Such stops can actually be rather pleasant encounters for both parties. At least that has been my experience as I have been let off with a warning more times than not, and he has thanked me for being cooperative and helpful.

I was pulled over last year for something very minor. I kept my hands on the steering wheel and made sure all the lights on the interior of my truck was on so the officer could see clearly. After he introduced himself, I told him I was carrying which was followed by him asking to see my permit. I explained where my gun was and that I needed to reach for my back pocket to remove my wallet (to get my license and permit). I asked for permission to reach for it because I didn't want him to get startled. He seemed to be relieved even though he unsnapped his sidearm and kept his hand on it. All LEO's that I have spoken with have been very understanding and familiar with concealed carry.
Not required to inform in PA

and do not tell, unless directly asked. Even then, wait for the officer to offer anything further.

There are nearly 600,000 PA licenses to carry, you would think the State Police are used to it? No!

I was stopped at one of those insurance/registration stops (4 years ago). Handed my d/l along with the Pistol License, and the trooper asked what that was about? I said "I thought you would want to be informed"? He replied "no, and best not to unless asked if you have weapons aboard". " Also, just don't go for your gun".:eek:

I motored away. No problem. When in PA, as others have noted, motor off, key on dash, interior light on,docs in hand,hands on wheel.

Regarding guns here - don't ask, don't tell:)

Here is a sweet secret. I got out of three serious speeding tickets, in NJ,yes NJ, by sincerely asking the cop if he was in a charitable mood, and would he please consider writing me a ticket that does not carry points? Each time I got tickets for less serious things, that only carried a smaller fine. It pays to be polite.
ishi's tip

Here's ishi's tip for interacting with police: obey traffic laws. Use your seat belts, turn signals, and pay attention to the speed limits; then you won't get pulled over and you won't have to deal with the police at all.

I don't have any police encounter stories to tell, for this very reason... Okay, fact is I usually go 10% under the speed limit. Yeah, I'm a real boring guy.

Leo Encounter

The last time a "bully" cop said not to load a weapon in my presence, my brother did so anyway. He and I had just come from court in Utah and he was picking up his Berretta at the PD. The officer at the counter brought his gun to him, but not the 15 rounds that were in it. When questioned where his bullets were the officer lied to him, telling him there were no bullets. My brother then proceeded to request paperwork for theft, as we both knew his rounds had been in the clip when it had been handed over to the police. At this point the officer knew his goose was cooked & out came his rounds from the officers pocket!
My brother said thanks, then proceeded to start to load his weapon, perfectly legal to do so, the officer objected & said he ought to do that in the parking lot as loading a weapon in the PD was frowned on. To which my brother replied that he was not going to "out" his piece and frighten any nincompoop in the parking lot, that it was perfectly legal for him to do so, and that the officer ought to mind his own business or he would file a proper complaint against him right then and there for theft by deception and lying--or some similar statement (it was several years ago).
That is how we take care of bully cops out here. The officer just turned and walked away at that point knowing he had no legal standing what-so-ever.
It certainly helps to know the laws in your state, and to be willing to stand up to injustice when it does occur.
While fixing a street light above a local police stations back door where they meet informaly,I was raising my bucket to working height. At that time a couple officers came out and loaded their shot guns right there. I laughed at them and said now I see why the light is out from clearing guns. One older cop said we can't shot that far. We all are just people and they risk alot .
The LEOs I know do not have a problem with legal CWP holders. In NC we are required to inform and they understand the ones they need to worry about are not permit holders and are not going to inform.

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