- Sponsor: http://PorcFest.com - Report from Nashua, New Hampshire. It's the Free Staters' 6th open carry litter pickup event...and we run into supporters we never knew existed.
This event ocurred on May 11, 2008; and you can see part 2 at
If you want to commission an ad like the one in this video, the cost as of 5/08 is roughly two cents per video view. But views after the first week are free, and your hyperlink in the video descrip is free. PM me here at the Youtube channel or e-mail me: RidleyReport at live period com
Additional Keywords: dave ridley report ron paul revolution free state project new hampshire libertarian freedom secession independence united states constitution constitutionalist
u.s. 2nd amendment guns pistols firearms revolvers open carry concealed porcupine festifal porcfest freedom festival fest nashua bella market arab-americans orthodox lebanon holsters rights gun control second weapons
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