Newtown, Conn Shooting Gun Control or Broken moral compus?

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Okay so America decides to bend the arrow of truth on its moral compus to point away from truth so that now due north is no longer north and Truth is relative to personal moral standards.

The results? We removed prayer and the Bible out of schools and now we produce mass murderers who grow up thinking evolution predicats the extinction of the weak by the hand of the strong and who slaughter innocent babies.

And now society has to arm itself in order to fend off the moral revisionist. Lord I pray in Your Son's name that You send revival to Your church and a crusade throughout this nation by Your Spirit. Lord be with those family members who lost love ones and children whom lives were taken as worthless for social gain. Lord embrace them with Your loving arms. In Jesus name.

Perhaps relying on imaginary supernatural beings for a culture's "moral compus" is the problem, not the solution.

Won't be long now before someone claim "they are all in heaven with Jesus, in everlasting happiness...." giving credence to the Andrea Yates solution.
No doubt the moral fabric of our society is unraveling at an ever faster pace; for whatever reason. Where is it going to end? Who knows! One thing is for sure, things are going to get politically ugly and we are going to be challenged like never before. How we answer that challenge is literally going to determine our fate as a country.

Oh please. Why didn't God protect these little children. Oh yea we took prayer and the Bible out of schools so God let them fend for themselves. Why doesn't he intervene at times like this if he really exists? We are all on our own it appears, no body is looking out for us.
I don't think the bible has anything to do with mental illness. This person and every mass shooter obviously has issues. I take exception to your comment this is a health problem not a gun or religious problem.
I don't think the bible has anything to do with mental illness. This person and every mass shooter obviously has issues. I take exception to your comment this is a health problem not a gun or religious problem.

This is a mental health problem that the left has decided to not institutionalize, to not report, to not stigmatize. This insane position is what has given us most of the latest mass shootings.
A boy writes a letter to God. "Dear God, why do you let bad things happen in our schools?" God replied.. "Dear Son, I'm not allowed in your schools."
Some people are just broken. Rapists, pedophiles, etc. Even if they happen to be targeted before they do bad stuff, there is little that our society will allow to be done to prevent them from it, if they are capable of taking care of themselves.

But regardless, no amount of legislation will prevent people from being broken, nor will it prevent them from doing harm to others.

That's true. That's why they need to be locked up. The movement to do away with the insane asylums has cost society. These mass shootings are another unintended consequence of leftist thought.
nogods- I lay the dead bodies of those innocent children at the feet of every secular humanist like you who promote self will and foggy moral standards.
God is not responsible for the shooting. Every man is responsible for his own decisions. Man has free will. This being so men have chosen to turn away from God and yet still expect all of His protection and love. We asked God to leave our society and like the Gentleman that He is He did and took everything that comes with Him. But now we wonder why we suffer economically, from wars, hurricanes and mass shooting after mass shooting.

America has suffered a national disaster every 3-4 years with mass shootings inbetween within the last 12 years. How short is our memory? When will we repent and ask God to lead us back to Him?

So judging by your statement God has abandoned us all. Like he abandoned these little children who probably believe in God as children of that age often do. It is very convent for you all when a unimaginable tragedy likes this occurs and question of "Where was God, how could he let this happen" in this case He is not allowed in schools is the answer! In other cases when asked why didn't he answer my prayer you are told "He did He said no".
Don't blame this and other tragedies on a lack of faith, because I am sure there were many families in this situation that have the faith in God and were still left to bury their young.
Read Deuteronomy 29 and see if God will abandon a nation. Also those little children are with Jesus. Sin is a reproach to any nation.

Well, not to long ago before liberal progressive humanism, when boys were allowed to be boys and girls were allowed to be girls, guns were available in most homes and not locked up in 700 lb vaults and children were not massacred in school rooms, and oh yeah the culture had some morals.
What exactly are the morals of 2012? That's right, there are none. Thanks for that.
There's a very simple solution for this. Stop demonizing the weapon and instead demonize the assailant. Get rid of Gun Free School Zones and allow those teachers and principles who feel so inclined to carry a concealed weapon, along with any other CCW holders. We can't fix the broken, and we will never be effective at determining who they are in advance of their bad actions. Allow people to defend themselves, and this kind of crap will be reduced, though it will never go away. We've always had bad actors, and we always will.

The children is in Heaven now and a loving God is with the family, it is sad and bad yes I agree but we tired up his hand. How, by taking him out of the school, How, by taking him out of the goverment, How, by taking him out of the courts system, How, by braking his heart by pass same sex marriage, How by killing baby and thousands and even millions of unborn babies, How by taking him out of the games foot ball, etc, How by letting peoples take down the crosses, How, by taking him out of our's military and by turning our's back on him. I could go on but we get the picture, and it going to continue to get worse and worse as the days going on. At the same time that this went on at that school there where almost the same thing going on in Japan or China when a man took a knife and start stabbing 22 kids but I didn't find out that did any of the kids died or not but it happen.

There going to be more and more of this so get ready until we as a nation come back to God it will "NEVER" get better. The economy is bad and worse as we think and they try to fix it with some more money and they don't have it, they rob peter to pay paul and it's not going to work, "NEVER" going to work until we turn back to God.

Please don't take my words because nobody here know me or who I'm am but this time next year you will see that it's going to get worse. We need a revival in these days and it's a shame, just like the war in iraq when we went to war and thousands of our's soldiers die over there, I was in the military or have just retire out of the military at that time and could have got call back in but they didn't people fill up the churches. Time went by and we all so soon forgot all about it and here we are went right back to the same things that we have been doing all along. Hmmmm so you say why did God didn't protect them well I can't answer that but HE can. We as peoples of the world will "NEVER" find out how God is and how come that bad peoples seem to get by when the innocent perish.

They have been saying this here lately Why God let this happen but nobody will be able to tell you or anybody can. All I know that God is in control and there is a reason that is beyond our's of our thinking or comprehend. Sorry for the long post but then again I'm not sorry because he is coming soon, real soon.
nogods- I lay the dead bodies of those innocent children at the feet of every secular humanist like you who promote self will and foggy moral standards.

I guess from your comment that you don't know that the golden, silver, and bronze rules, the tripod of rules that form the basis of just about every moral code, were developed by secular societies then adopted by religious adherents.

Knowledge. Your key to freedom from ignorance. Give it a try sometime.
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