New gun owner, looking for a bit of clarification


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I just recently purchased my first handgun. I am planning on going shooting with some friends, however I understand its technically illegal for me to transport my gun before I get my license.

But as long as someone in the vehicle has a permit, they can be "transporting" all the guns in the car? And then, is it legal for me to fire the gun at a range?

I live in Fort Wayne.

Thanks much, in advance!
I would transport the weapon unloaded, unconcealed, in a case designed to fit a weapon. Unless you live in a communist state I dont believe that this would be a problem.
I just recently purchased my first handgun. I am planning on going shooting with some friends, however I understand its technically illegal for me to transport my gun before I get my license.

But as long as someone in the vehicle has a permit, they can be "transporting" all the guns in the car? And then, is it legal for me to fire the gun at a range?

I live in Fort Wayne.

Thanks much, in advance!

Thats a good question. I also live in NE Indiana and have my Indiana CCW and Utah CCW. I was told, by Indiana State Police, that you must have at least the Range Permit to take the gun to the range to shoot. Basically, it is not supposed to leave your property(hand gun that is), unless you are permitted. Call the FWPD, on E. Creighton SP? street, and they will be able to tell you for sure.
IN law currently (and at the time of this original post) does not allow for the carry of a firearm to a range for practice by someone not licensed to carry.

If you were in a car, pulled over, and someone in the vehicle was licensed, they could claim ownership. As far as after you arrive being able to shoot, it might depend on the range. Private ranges might not be patrolled, but public ranges, especially those run or overseen by DNR do have COs that inquire about licenses and it might run you into trouble. Until...

After July 1, 2011, however, it will be legal to carry a handgun to a range for practice without a LTCH, as long as it's unloaded, in a case, inaccessible. It will also be legal to carry a handgun on land owned by someone else without a LTCH as long as you have permission from the owner.

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