New bill in louisiana legislature (hb9)


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I am a current holder of a Florida concealed weapons permit which I acquired last year (2009). I chose to take the Florida Course because the course was less expensive and the permit was for a longer time period than Louisiana. In our economically challenged times everyone is looking for a better deal! I am asking that you consider issuing Louisiana permits to Louisiana residents that already have VALID & CURRENT permits issued by Florida dated before this new legislation would take place even if we have to pay the license fee. I cannot see having to take the course again and spend our time and money to do so! I and I’m sure everyone else took this course with good intentions because of the reasons above, but I feel some Louisiana instructors felt that there was money taken out of their pockets by people teaching the Florida course. Some of these Louisiana instructor’s comments for example on BAYOUSHOOTERS website feel they are better instructors than the people who are teaching the Florida courses. Who are they to say this!!!! If that is so then why will they let Florida residents reciprocate their licenses with Louisiana? We have taken the same course!! This sounds a bit unconstitutional to the Louisiana residents!!!

Give me some of your thoughts!

Florida Non-Resident Permits A Poor Choice...


You may state you went for the Florida permit because it was slightly less expensive, and for a longer period, but did your training consist of extensive examination of Louisiana law pertaining to carrying concealed, and Use of Deadly Force under Louisiana law?

The Louisiana State Police have designed an excellent course, which taught properly, well educates the applicant on what is permissible pertaining to concealed carry in Louisiana, and what is not.

It is my understanding the state of Florida will NOT recognize non-resident permits from any other state, but issues theirs to anyone who offers a certificate from a course where they fired a gun. Yet we here in Louisiana recognize non-resident permits from Florida and other states.

I understand the permitting division that issues these Florida permits accepts a Louisiana Hunter Safety Course certificate as sufficient training to be given a Florida Non-Resident Permit--the purpose being to allow non-residents to carry in the state of Florida.

My information comes from conversations with the head of the Concealed Handgun Permit Section of the LSP, and reading Florida's requirements.

As manager of the Baker Range (in Baker, La) I have hosted a Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Hunter Education Course where over 30 youths and young adults were certified to receive a Louisiana Hunter Safety Certificate. These young people only had to fire a .22 rifle three (3) times in the course of the class to receive the certificate. Three shots with .22 rifle! Does that qualify them to carry a concealed handgun?

I'm sorry, but I cannot sympathize with anyone who purposefully has subverted our Louisiana laws to get a concealed carry permit the easy way. You have not received the training or education required by our state police to carry concealed in the state of Louisiana.

The LSP have designed an excellent course, and once completed, the applicants are reasonably educated in the statutes pertaining to concealed carry in our state, have had extensive lectures on use of deadly force, and have received at least a modicum of training on proper and safe handling and firing a handgun.

I've heard too many stories of so-called instructors giving people a two or three hour course, issuing them a certificate, and advising them to apply for a Florida non-resident permit. I think this subverts the law, gives money that should be spent in our state to Florida, and puts ill-educated and poorly trained individuals on the street carrying concealed.

If they screw up because they were not properly educated due to the lax requirements of Florida, their actions will reflect poorly on every concealed handgun permit holder in the state--and none of us want that.

Gordon Hutchinson

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