My new hobby - Too hot to shoot staying inside


Well-known member
Very hot in my area of Arizona. Last week 110 degrees in the shade on the far side of the house, under the back porch, going to be 110 +++ by the week end and next week. So, I just "Discovered" Twitter. I am on the "Following" of all the major ant-Gun/America/Freedom Twitter lists. I do not plan to "Troll" Spam them just "Glean" the hate. WOW. They really do not understand us or our love of freedom and the tools we know we need to stay free. This includes Canadian posts. The ones I follow include the rabid MSNBC's and some that make the Brady bunch look like life NRA members. So, enjoy. :jester:

The ones I follow include the rabid MSNBC's and some that make the Brady bunch look like life NRA members. So, enjoy. :jester:

For all intents and purposes, the NRA is the Brady bunch.

How The Brady Bill Passed

Bush signs bill geared to toughen screening of gun buyers

America's largest gun control organization

With Friends Like The NRA ...

NRA Supported Universal Background Checks After Columbine Massacre

There's plenty more for anyone willing to get at the sad truth, some from sources gun owners should like, and some from leftist, anti-gun sites like that last one from HuffPo, but all chronicling the many betrayals by the NRA against those same gun owners.

The NRA is not our friend, and never has been.


It's never too hot to shoot.

In fact it's my fave time to shoot. At my local range I've been there 4 times in the last 10 days and I'm the only person that's been there. Yep I have the whole place to myself.

The only bad thing about shooting this time of year is the fact that the sun in right in my eyes while at the pistol pits after work.

That sucks.

JPFO and GOA, are very fine groups. As to the NRA we have multiple insurance policies. Last year when Sheriff Mack was in town I suggested everyone with a FFL and/or shop to place a "Victory" Jar for donations to sport the organizations of choice. G.O.A. was the first ones suggested. However, none of the shops I visit have done so. Too many even in my circle are of the "It aint gonna happen here." Worth a side bar, IT IS TOO HOT FOR THIS OLD MAN.

(Sent from under the shed with a string on a can to the house.)

Wow, keeping up with Twits on twitter of the anti-guns is very funny, sad and we should fear the way they think of us. It is more than hate.