Michigan schoolteacher's 'actually defend' a criminal pedophile within their ranks.


~The Dude Abides~
The Janczewski family is fighting the local/corrupted school district in Rose, Michigan after it emerged that one of it's male teachers sexually molested their 8'th grade son and then — unbelievably — six other teachers spoke out against the 15-30 year sentence that the perverted pedophile teacher received.
“Neal has plead (sic) guilty for his one criminal offense but he is not a predator,” Harriet Coe reportedly wrote. “This was an isolated incident. He understands the severity of his action and is sincere in his desire to make amends…”

John Janczewski, the father of the victim, spoke on the Glenn Beck radio program Monday about all that has happened to his family since the horrific molestation by now-former Rose City Middle School teacher Neal Erickson came to light. He said he and his wife have been threatened and attacked for speaking out against the teachers.

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Got to document the threats and identify the perps. Sometimes I think that is why cell phones have cameras built in. You always have a camera at the ready. Anytime you are going into a hostile situation have the camera running BEFORE you get there. Preferably from a stealth position (ie. one spouse does the talking while the other has the camera running).

It's disgusting. It's actually more disgusting for me because I'm from that part of Michigan. Not Rose City, adjacent Hale and I was always in Rose City more than Hale. Ogemaw County has a rough trail ahead from this garbage. I hope Rose City middle school goes the way of enron as far as state funding. You can't allow your teachers to support a pedophile, I don't care how much they like him, he's still a pedo. That ends it right there.

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