Michigan Prosecutor Clueless


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In an article in the Feb. 8 Grand Rapids (MI) Press, Ottawa County Prosecutor Ron Frantz was commenting on the bill which would drop the designated "pistol-free" zones in Michigan. Not surprisingly, Frantz is against the bill. But one statement really surprised me. The article said,

"Frantz figures that 'relatively few' permit holders actually routinely carry weapons, and few would bring them to a church or stadium, but questions, 'Why inject a weapon into the equation?'"

He must have done the 'figuring' in his imagination, and I doubt he actually spoke with many (if any) permit holders. I can say that I carry daily, at home and away, unless I am going to one of the prohibited areas, when I lock it in my car. Why go to all the time and expense of obtaining a CPL and then leave the gun in the cabinet?

What is the word out there? How regularly do you carry? Is this guy clueless?

Why would you bother going to the class, spending the money to get a permit, and then not carry? People go get what they want, and if what they want is to carry legally, then they take the steps to get there. It doesn't make sense that they would then fail to carry. I am sure some do for one reason or another, but I bet most don't (fail to carry). For how could you foretell the events of each day? If we could surely we would choose to avoid many difficulties, instead, lacking clairvoyance, we have chosen to be prepared for them. It calls to mind the expression "unexpected surprise". If it's a surprise, it is by nature, unexpected.
I would bet there are a lot more permit holders with the imprints of holsters at their waists, ankles, ribcages, or in their purses, than not.
The error is two-fold anyway. It isn't the legal permitholders who "inject a weapon into the equation". We carry because we understand human nature, that it is possible that someone else will become a threat, and we choose to value our safety above the safety of an evildoer. We carry because we know these threats only take seconds to unfold, and we neither can, nor should, rely on others to protect us.
Every one that I know that has a CPL carries daily. I for one NEVER leave my yard without a weapon. Living in S.E. Mi. gives me reason to. Not happy with the PFGZ because we do have to get from point A to point B, and that's where the problem lies. Do I need a gun inside of Cobo Hall at the Auto Show? Probably not. But if I have to walk 6 blocks Downtown at 11:00 at night to get to my car, I sure as hell need one ! ! ! Do I need a gun while at Church? Probably not. But if you live on the East Side and have to take a bus or walk to get there, hell yes I need one. These SHEEP need to understand we are not the one's to fear. It's all the a**holes out there who could care less what the law says.
How regularly do I carry

In an article in the Feb. 8 Grand Rapids (MI) Press, Ottawa County Prosecutor Ron Frantz was commenting on the bill which would drop the designated "pistol-free" zones in Michigan. Not surprisingly, Frantz is against the bill. But one statement really surprised me. The article said,

"Frantz figures that 'relatively few' permit holders actually routinely carry weapons, and few would bring them to a church or stadium, but questions, 'Why inject a weapon into the equation?'"

He must have done the 'figuring' in his imagination, and I doubt he actually spoke with many (if any) permit holders. I can say that I carry daily, at home and away, unless I am going to one of the prohibited areas, when I lock it in my car. Why go to all the time and expense of obtaining a CPL and then leave the gun in the cabinet?

What is the word out there? How regularly do you carry? Is this guy clueless?

I carry EVERY day (and I live in Michigan)
Our local news just had a report on about a week ago. Apairently there was a spike in state capital workers that carry. This happend after the az shooting. So, I was very happy to see our state of Mn workers arming themselves and carrying at work.

I think this will keep Mn the gun friendly state that it is. I just don't understand those that see no reason for me the citizen to carry a gun if I want.

I carry everyday from the time I wake up till I'm in bed at night. I have a holster on the side of my bed to keep it close. Am I nervous? I don't think so. To many idiots out there.

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