Looking for a new gun club in NY


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I live in northwestern Dutchess county. For the last few years I've been a member of the Zena-Highwoods club near Woodstock. It was a great little gem with an adequate pistol range, very low cost, and no required work hours or other duties. I needed a place to shoot, and at about 20 minutes away Zena-Highwoods fit the bill. But last year, they "updated" the club rules to include a requirement that everyone on the firing line must work together to keep the frequency of shots limited to no more than one report per second!

This make Zena-Highwoods completely useless for me as a place to practice pistol shooting. It precludes ANY type of timed speed drills. Practicing pitsol shooting for self-defence, or for competitive shooting is now impossible.

So, I need to find a new club. There are a few around that can be found with Google, but they are all either too far away, much too expensive, or on the verge of being closed down by their local "government" (i.e. Rhinebeck). I know there are a at least a couple of little known small clubs in lower Columbia county, but I have no idea what or where. Anyone from the area know of any clubs in the lower Columbia region that could use a new family membership?

Many thanks!


You should think about joining the Northern Dutchess Rod and Gun Club. It's on Enterprise Rd in Rhinebeck ... and yes, the town is trying to shut it down one salami slice at a time, but its is still a strong and vibrant club. They haven't succeeded yet and I don't think they will this time either.

Stop on by and pick up an application or check out the website at Northern Dutchess Rod and Gun Club, Inc..
Northern Dutchess is a GREAT gun club. I called them a few years ago to find out about joining. I don't remember the numbers now, but the initiation fee, the annual fee and the number of hours you are required to work each year scared me off REAL quick! I want to say it was something over $300 to start.

It is also much more than I am looking for in a club. I just need a place to shoot. I'm not particularly interested in fishing stocked ponds, or hunting club grounds or anything like that. I just need a range where my wife and I can practice.

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