Local range reports all patrons names to police dept. Milwaukee

I recently recieved this email and felt all WI folks that don't already, need to know.

Greetings in Freedom,

Wisconsin Carry has learned of some concerning information that we would like to pass along to our membership and right-to-carry interested folks in southeast Wisconsin.

In a recently published Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article which you can read here:

West Milwaukee gun shop resumes selling weapons - JSOnline

It was reported that the former Badger Guns (now Brew City Shooters Supply) Brew City Shooters Supply Indoor Shooting Range in Milwaukee, WI has, since 2009, been reporting the names of every customer that comes in to use their firing range to the West Milwaukee Police Department. In this time over 25,000 customer names were reported to West Milwaukee Police Chief Dennis Nasci who ran a background check on each through "his system".

So far in 2012 it was reported more than 8,800 customer name records have been supplied to West Milwaukee Police by Brew City Shooters Supply to have a criminal background check run on them. We do not know yet, how else West Milwaukee Police have been using these records they have been given by Brew City Shooters Supply, nor if they are storing those customer names for future reference. We also do not know what other purposes West Milwaukee Police might choose to use these customer name lists for in the future.

Having spoken with members of WCI who frequent Brew City Shooters Supply, though they were aware they signed a liability release to use the range, they were NOT aware in any way that their use of the range was being reported to West Milwaukee Police Department.

Wisconsin Carry does not believe it is the governments business if, when, or how often law-abiding citizens use a firing range. We also believe that if a business is going to report law-abiding activities of customers to local police departments so a background check can be run with no reason or justification, they should be explicitly informing customers of this tactic. Wisconsin Carry rejects the selective intrusion on customers privacy by any business with no reason or cause other than those customers patronage to participate in a legal activity.

Wisconsin Carry rejects the use of public resource to run background checks on law abiding citizens with no probable cause or reasonable suspicion whether those citizens were using a firing range, attending church, going to the grocery store, or stopping in a corner tavern for a cocktail.

We do not know if Brew City Shooters Supply also provided the names of customers who came in to purchase ammunition to West Milwaukee Police.

Wisconsin Carry has made an open records request of the Village of West Milwaukee for any and all information and documents pertaining to this scheme of Brew City Shooters/Badger Guns providing lists of law-abiding customer names to Village of West Milwaukee Police. We will send out updates as more information becomes available as to the extent of the use of that information, whether the rights of law-abiding customers were violated by Brew City Shooters Supply or Village of West Milwaukee Police, and any other details which we believe would be of interest to the law-abiding gun owners of Southeast Wisconsin.

Carry On,

Nik clark
Chairman/President - Wisconsin Carry, Inc.
[email protected]
Welcome to Wisconsin Carry, Inc.
wisconsincarry (wisconsincarry) on Twitter
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interesting, but in all honesty, i don't have a problem with that. its a constructive use of time (as opposed to looking for jaywalkers/etc). i'm sure they could care less about the 99.9% of the 'normals' on the list, they're looking for that 0.1% that perhaps some other state or the feds are looking for, for child support, back taxes, skipping bail/court date, hit 'n run, or perhaps for a bigger crime.
interesting, but in all honesty, i don't have a problem with that. its a constructive use of time (as opposed to looking for jaywalkers/etc). i'm sure they could care less about the 99.9% of the 'normals' on the list, they're looking for that 0.1% that perhaps some other state or the feds are looking for, for child support, back taxes, skipping bail/court date, hit 'n run, or perhaps for a bigger crime.

I have a big problem with it! Would pulling you over for no reason and searching you be a better use of time? You might owe back taxes or skipped bail/court date or maybe you just committed a hit & run, after all you are in your car. Maybe you forgot to pay your child support and need a friendly reminder. This is just another intrusion with no proof that a crime has been committed. I would spread the word and stop doing business with that gun shop.
If that isn't a violation of each of those persons 4A rights I don't know what is. True you can cease to do business with that range. However if you didn't know they were reporting your LAWFUL activities to police, how could you make an informed decision?

Second, the police have a duty to investigate a crime, not investigate lawful actions. This is a prime example of illegal search and seizure. The police can't run a license plate without having a reason.

Every one of the 8800 people should bring legal action against both the business and the police dept.
interesting, but in all honesty, i don't have a problem with that. its a constructive use of time (as opposed to looking for jaywalkers/etc). i'm sure they could care less about the 99.9% of the 'normals' on the list, they're looking for that 0.1% that perhaps some other state or the feds are looking for, for child support, back taxes, skipping bail/court date, hit 'n run, or perhaps for a bigger crime.
Are you kidding me? You think having a background check run on you just because you're exercising a constitutional right is okay? Where are you from?
araczynski You may not have a problem with that...! but alot of free people do.

nobody has the right to run a background check without your concent...specially a law enforcement agancy.

to be able to do that they need concent from the person or a court order signed by a judge.

now for the clients of the range they can go after the range and ask them to stop via a certified letter or by bringing a class suite against the range.

I for a fact check what I sign all the time..because of issues like this.
Otism. You are correct.
they are a private business...But just because they are a private business they do not have the right to provide private information to anyone without concent (verbal or written) by the person who is the owner of the information.

open your eyes and see the violation that is being done here.

First they came for my neighbor on my left then the next day the came for the one on the right and then the ones accross the street but I never said anything...until they came for me....Remeber that...!
Are you kidding me? You think having a background check run on you just because you're exercising a constitutional right is okay? Where are you from?

they can run all the fracking background checks they want, i've got nothing to hide. they're looking for the typical idiot that has something to hide/run from but is too stupid to use cash/fake id.

for all we know the legalese on whatever it was they signed when they entered the range said they could release your name to the authorities.

but by all means though, if they did something illegal, sue them out of business, if they consented and didn't read, too bad for them.
interesting, but in all honesty, i don't have a problem with that. its a constructive use of time (as opposed to looking for jaywalkers/etc). i'm sure they could care less about the 99.9% of the 'normals' on the list, they're looking for that 0.1% that perhaps some other state or the feds are looking for, for child support, back taxes, skipping bail/court date, hit 'n run, or perhaps for a bigger crime.
Are you kidding me? You think having a background check run on you just because you're exercising a constitutional right is okay? Where are you from?

Dude seriously? Shooting at a private business is a constitutional right? Where does it say that. The constitution holds no weight anymore because of asinine statements like that.
they can run all the fracking background checks they want, i've got nothing to hide. they're looking for the typical idiot that has something to hide/run from but is too stupid to use cash/fake id.

for all we know the legalese on whatever it was they signed when they entered the range said they could release your name to the authorities.

but by all means though, if they did something illegal, sue them out of business, if they consented and didn't read, too bad for them.
So being suspected of being a criminal just because you go to shoot a gun is just fine with you? How about if they start fingerprinting you? Let's say they start calling you to appear in lineups for crime victims to identify their attackers? That should all be okay with you because, as you say, you've got nothing to hide. You're being treated as a suspected criminal and you're too naive or too lazy to realize that. You also don't have the slightest clue what kind of precedent that sets.

Dude seriously? Shooting at a private business is a constitutional right? Where does it say that. The constitution holds no weight anymore because of asinine statements like that.
Oh, go back to junior high so you can argue on a level playing field.
All right. Here is the latest update I recieved on the situation.

This message and the original post are not by me. Also, feel free to check out WCI, or don't. It's all good.

Greetings in Freedom,

Last week Wisconsin Carry sent out an email notice to members and others describing a Milwaukee Gun Range's policy of voluntarily turning over customer names to local police to have background checks run on each one. A copy of that notice can be read here:

Milwaukee Gun Range Voluntarily Reports Law-Abiding Customers To Local Police

In response to feedback from customers and others who received our email, the owner of the range reached out to Wisconsin Carry to discuss their policy.

While we unfortunately cannot report that the range will discontinue its policy of providing customer names to local police for a background check, we do feel an obligation to report a change to the policy.

Brew City Shooters Supply beginning last weekend changed their policy to exclude any customers who have and show a valid concealed carry license from the list of customer names provided to local police. Brew City also relayed that they posted signage that informs customers that West Milwaukee Police run the background check. (previous waivers just indicated that customers were subject to a background check, not who would conduct it)

Wisconsin Carry does not endorse nor advocate for this policy. We reminded Brew City that many law-abiding customers who do not have a concealed carry license but want to practice at a range are still being reported to local police. We reminded Brew City that many citizens eschewed the concealed carry license and government registration that came along with it and instead open-carry legally without a permit. Those customers would still be submitted for background checks to local police. We also reminded Brew City that Wisconsin Carry continues to advocate for, and will hopefully bring constitutional carry to Wisconsin within 5 years time, at which time many Wisconsin carriers will no longer obtain a state license to carry concealed.

Ultimately, it will be up to Brew City's customers, not Wisconsin Carry, to decide if this alteration in their policy is acceptable or not as they make their decisions of which local gun ranges to patronize.

Wisconsin Carry continues to await the results of an open records request we have made of the Village of West Milwaukee Police Department to determine the extent of the use of information obtained about customers of the range, whether WMPD has stored/maintains records of the names of law-abiding customers previously provided, and what system was used by WMPD to conduct these "background checks". We will review this information when it is provided to us and determine if any laws have been broken or citizens rights violated by West Milwaukee Police and provide updates when we have anything noteworthy to pass along.

Carry On,

Nik Clark
Chairman/President - Wisconsin Carry, Inc.
Welcome to Wisconsin Carry, Inc.
[email protected]
Wisconsin Carry, Inc. - YouTube
wisconsincarry (wisconsincarry) on Twitter