Lawyers pitching for business from gun owners or peole shot by guns


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This is one of the lamest attorney advertising blurbs I've ever read. It sounds like one of those auto press release programs that take some news item and turn into a solicitation for business parading as a public service announcement. Moreover, it doesn't even sound like it was written by someone whose first language is English.

But I got a laugh when they said this:

While most people think either hunting accidents or tragedies involving children when they think about non-criminal gun fatalities and injuries, those are not the only possibilities. The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence points out that, in 2010, firearms were used in 19,392 suicides throughout the nation, constituting some 62% of all gun related deaths in that year. Studies suggest, in fact, that the risk of suicide actually increases in homes where the guns are kept loaded and unlocked. While the Law Offices of Burg and Brock don't know how many of those cases could legally fall into the area of personal injury liability, there is no doubt that every one of those deaths represents a failure by a gun owner to control his guns properly – even, or especially, if the person committing suicide was the gun owner.

"...there is no doubt that every one of those deaths represents a failure by a gun owner to control his guns properly – even, or especially, if the person committing suicide was the gun owner. "

Yes, this is a funny advertisement. It is obvious the law firm members are not firearm owners and certainly would not know the difference between a clip or magazine or automatic vs. semiautomatic. To make it more hilarious, they are from LA in the state that thinks maximum 10 rounds per "clip" somehow makes anybody safer. And to think a gun owner, in committing suicide failed to "control his guns properly." Of course, like good libs, he aludes to shooting stats but has no real idea what he he is talking about. I wonder how many of the gun cases they get "from time to time" this law firm has won. My guess is none. This is just another ambulance chaser trying to make money off the high profile mass shootings and the hysteria from anti-gun nuts.

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