LA Times wants gun manufacturers to do the impossible

Leave it to CA to come up with impossible solutions. They wouldn't want anyone to have to take the blame for what they have done. They seem to think it's much easier to blame everything on someone else.
And while we're at it, why don't we also require auto and liquor manufacturers to bring down the number of drunk driving deaths, and hold them liable for each and every one. I guess instead of blaming irresponsible people, we blame the products and the people who manufacture them.
And while we're at it, why don't we also require auto and liquor manufacturers to bring down the number of drunk driving deaths, and hold them liable for each and every one. I guess instead of blaming irresponsible people, we blame the products and the people who manufacture them.
Instead of blaming the irresponsible people, we could blame their parents for making them.
Can you feature how great traffic would be if the same rules and regulations that are applied to ownership and carrying of guns were added to motor vehicle laws?
Gee guys, anyone right of George McGovern in California has long since dismissed the LAT leftish rants. Those not subjected to it on a daily basis need to understand no one but the Hollywood elites and Frisco liberals care what they say, and haven't for a long time.

I grew up reading the Times when the Chandler Family owned it, but I stopped subscribing back in the 80s when they took their swing to the left. Considering their subscription numbers having tanked, like the NYT and Chi Tribune, I was not alone. I wouldn't let anything they dribble out bother you.
When half of all gun death are suicide how can we stop it. Take away guns. Alot of these are vets and it is the last chance to keep from being a burden on their families.