IRS vs Tea party


New member
The Obama gestapo has been sending out letters to teaparty organizations, requesting
members names and other info.. My group is refusing to comply..

Yeah, I'm calling BS on this one. Most "Tea Party" groups are either official registered organizations like LLCs or 501(c)3 nonprofits, and as such have all the information the IRS would need already on public file, or are unofficial gatherings, with no IRS need to report, so this would be not just unnecessary, but improper.

I have read of the IRS asking more info of certain Tea Party groups - ones that had filed for status as a nonprofit improperly. For those, they need to comply with the law. The most common reason I've seen is filing as the wrong type of nonprofit. Either trying to file as a "public interest charity" when they should file as either a "club" or "political organization", or some other similar mistake.
CharonPDX:278845 said:
Yeah, I'm calling BS on this one. Most "Tea Party" groups are either official registered organizations like LLCs or 501(c)3 nonprofits, and as such have all the information the IRS would need already on public file, or are unofficial gatherings, with no IRS need to report, so this would be not just unnecessary, but improper.

I have read of the IRS asking more info of certain Tea Party groups - ones that had filed for status as a nonprofit improperly. For those, they need to comply with the law. The most common reason I've seen is filing as the wrong type of nonprofit. Either trying to file as a "public interest charity" when they should file as either a "club" or "political organization", or some other similar mistake.
Agreed, that would need a warrant for that info.
Subject: Federal Government Silencing Freedom Connector Groups via IRS
On February 14, 2012 we received a letter from the IRS trying to silence the Kentucky 9/12 Project. Our response "We will not comply". We join possibly close to 80 other liberty groups from around the country the IRS has targeted and is attempting to regulate out of existence.

The Kentucky 9/12 Project filed for a 501(c)(4) status in December of 2010.
We received our first correspondence almost immediately back from our application saying there would be a determination within 90 days. Since then we are confident that all of our activities, relations, and dealings have falling well within the bonds of that which defines this status. Despite this and with no reference to any issues with our original application or specific concerns almost 14 months later we received a letter (dated February 14) requesting detailed documentation to answer 30 questions with sub-bullets (88 total separate inquiries) and only a two-week period to comply.

Over and above the burdensome nature of this inquiry were the intrusive details that they were asking including schedule and content of every event, speakers names and details, and every communication. Most alarming was their request to provide names and personal information of our volunteers and membership.

And we are not alone; other groups like Ohio Liberty Council, Unite in Action, Richmond VA Tea Party, Waco TX Tea Party, and other liberty groups have been targeted. Many of these groups have filed for Not-for-Profit status at various times (over the past three years) and all have received very similar IRS inquiries and responses in just the last couple of months. There is a scary and deliberate pattern to the Federal Governments desire to silence your voice. Their use of the Internal Revenue Service to attempt to quite Liberty groups by forcing them to comply with their demands is clearly not by accident.

This is a clear attack on your liberties.
This is a clear infringement on your rights.
This is a clear premeditated assault on your freedom.

First and foremost we wanted to inform you of what is going on and reassure you we will in no way disclose private and personal information. And if forfeiting these rights, which were endowed to us by our Creator, is a prerequisite for becoming a 501(c)(4), then we choose not to have this status and will not comply. We believe the IRS request are a clear an obvious overreach of a federal agency beyond its authority and in addition to not complying, we have every intention to fight this and shine a light on their miss use of power.

Second in the days and weeks to come we will continue to highlight this attack on our liberties and will stand with other groups around the country.
A response is on our website currently Link Removed [1] along with both the letter we received from the IRS and our response back. We are not only working with attorneys on this matter but in contact with the other groups the IRS has targeted and have forwarded information to key elected officials.

Third we do need your help though. I ask you to continue to stand with us and keep us in your prayers. If you can or would like to please help us bring attention to this. Please share what is going on with ours and other groups on Facebook, e-mail, and any other venues. Take a moment and forward this letter. We need to shine a light of on this now not for us but for others and for what we would allow them to do in the future if we take no stand together today.

Finally call your congressmen and our senators. We must demand a congressional investigation about this obvious overreach of a federal agency beyond its authority. Please call or e-mail today your DC Representative and tell them to join the other congressmen around the nation and uncover the facts behind this.

The Kentucky 9/12 Project was founded on principles and the idea of standing together and to show that you are not alone. It is in principle that we object to the obvious overreach of federal agencies beyond its authority. It is our honor to stand with other groups facing similar tyranny. And it is with resolute determination that each one of us, each one of you, unites with every liberty group across the country and every defender of liberty to show that you are not alone and WE SURROUND THEM.

Please once again visit our website Link Removed [2] for more details and come back daily for updates as they become available. On the site are the attachments of their letter and our response. I defy you to a second for yourself and it will be clear to any reader of the IRS letter that their request are both highly irregular and an unjustified intrusion on our first and forth amendment rights. We will not only refuse to forfeit those rights but will not forfeit them for the members and volunteers that have pledge time and resources to our cause. Please read and make up your own mind and if you agree; stand with us. where in that "letter" from the IRS do i read anythign asking about members names and information, unless i missed it. i see where it asks particulars about board members, activities, and employees, but not about the members names/info. Even about the volunteers that the letter in response talks about, they are asking about the numbers of volunteers, not specific info about them.

and yes i went to the page and looked at the 6 pages from the IRS.

hope they enjoy not get getting their status if they dont comply.
Ron Paul

It's time to abolish the IRS this country survived forever without them the only reason we have the IRS is because of the federal reserve that we borrow money from which is owned by the private sector before the federal reserve we had taxes but we didn't have income tax we pay interest back to private bankers it's bs
^^^It is also time to use capitalization. :p

To the issue at hand, a 501(c)4 would seem to be the correct organizational method for a Tea Party group, and I went and looked at the "letter" they posted they say they got. I have (unfortunately) had many dealings with the IRS over the past few years - and that does not look like anything I have gotten. No official letterhead, for one. And even with all of that, nowhere do they ask for the names of all members - only officers, which is required for *ALL* 501(c)4 organizations.

Although now that I look deeper, I can't find a confirmed example, but the attachment does say it is "Letter 1312", and the IRS site does say that Letter 1312 is the standard follow-up letter for an organization filing for 501(c)3 status... So if anything, the IRS guy sent the wrong follow-up letter. (Although I can't find one specifically for (c)4, so maybe they just modify that one.)
not sure guys about the whole letter, but 3rd paragrah says "members" and I would put nothing passed any government organization.
not sure guys about the whole letter, but 3rd paragrah says "members" and I would put nothing passed any government organization.

Where do you see that? It's not on the letter I see linked to on the website: Link Removed

I see item 8 asks for information on "key members" who have served on the board of another nonprofit, have run for office, or has started a similar group in the past. Not "list all members".

Sorry, but if you want nonprofit status, you have to go through these hoops. I helped start a nonprofit back in the late '90s, and we had to jump through tons of hoops, provide tons of documentation, etc. And we were basing ourselves off an existing nonprofit, as an "affiliated group"! (It was ~13 years ago now, so I can't recall the precise paperwork we had to do, and I ended up moving out of the area before all the work was finished - and the nonprofit being a location-based one, it was pointless for me to stay - I just went back to the "original" nonprofit this one was a spinoff of.)
I finally had a chance to read the letter, see no problem,,,yet. But really guys, capitalization and punctuation?

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