I'm surprised to find THESE kinds of opinions on the Democratic Underground


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Here's a thread on the DemocraticUnderground about the recent McDonald vs. Chicago Supreme Court decision. I'm surprised to find that most people in this thread support the decision.

Warning: There is some bad language in this thread, so I'd recommend you not go there if vulgarity offends you.

Supreme Court extends gun rights (5-4 ruling incorporates Second Amendment) - Democratic Underground

This quote especially stuck out to me:

The solution to substantially reduced crime would be a Police State.
The solution to higher rate of convictions would be forced confessions.
The solution to more easily passing legislation would be govt control of media and limits on free expression, dissent, protesting.
The solution to no religion friction would be a state religion and early age indoctrination.

Rights aren't about solutions. Rights are about rights. I have a RIGHT (not a desire, not a need, not a wish) to keep and bear arms just as much as you have right to never be forced to testify against yourself.

That's actually a pretty ordinary thread on DU about gun rights.

A lot of people believe in social collectivism and individual rights -- just because it doesn't make sense to those of us who don't believe property is theft doesn't mean we won't find areas of agreement.
WOW, I never in my life have seen so many nut jobs on one site. We have or differences on this site, but I have never seen it go to the extent of all out name calling, foul mouthed, etc...My God! And these are the people who want to run the country!
WOW, I never in my life have seen so many nut jobs on one site. We have or differences on this site, but I have never seen it go to the extent of all out name calling, foul mouthed, etc...My God! And these are the people who want to run the country!
Wrong! These are the people who ARE running the country ...
I was referring to the young, misinformed, foul mouthed, idiots on the D.U. forum. But you may be right and these are the older generation idiots. Still an eye opener.
I was referring to the young, misinformed, foul mouthed, idiots...

I've been to many different websites and forums that have supporters of various political causes. One thing I find in common is the ridiculous.

Republican leaning forum posters often post childish insults like Clintonista, Obummer, Demoncrats, "Obama will suspend elections to become the dictator of America," etc...
Democrat leaning forum posters often post childish insults like "Bush will suspend elections and become the dictator of America," Republicant, the "miserable failure" prank, etc...

The long and short of it is that the two parties running for office here in the US are what other countries would call the Stateist party. From their point of view, the government is what should be protected. One party claims they want to promote small government and pass reasonable laws to restrict the people. The other party claims they want everyone to have the right to anything, so long as the government provides it.

Both claims are found to be false. Each time either party makes a move, it is to increase the power of the government. We've got a problem, and it's not due do which party you pick.
"Each time either party makes a move, it is to increase the power of the government. We've got a problem, and it's not due do which party you pick."

You got that right Booga! Both Parties are responsible for this situation we're in. UNFORTUNITLY-We the People have allowed it. It's time to take back America!

"The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities." --author and philosopher Ayn Rand (1905-1982)
More and more people have awakened to the realization that one party is as bad as the other; they're both comprised
primarily of people who are self serving and want to retain their positions of power. Few, very few, of them are truly
trying to do what is BEST FOR THE COUNTRY. We're down to two choices. Vote them out or push them out. It's looking
more and more like it's going to be push them out.
I was referring to the young, misinformed, foul mouthed, idiots on the D.U. forum. But you may be right and these are the older generation idiots. Still an eye opener.
I'm pretty certain we agree about these posters.

But what I was specifically referring to is that a large percentage of these are the active workers in elections. These people truly believe in the candidates. They make sure they have the right bumper sticker, repeat talking points in every conversation, show up at rallies, man phone banks and booths and are generally proud of their involvement.

These nitwits (ooohhhh, name calling) help to drive our country further towards its destruction.

And, unfortunately, a few of them will end up in elected office.

What I don't understand is how they can disagree with basic policies of their party but still remain certain that the other party is obstructionist and their own party could do wonderful things if unimpeded. The disconnect is bizarre.
NDS, I agree with your last post, and that's what I was referring to when I said: We have or differences on this site, but I have never seen it go to the extent of all out name calling, foul mouthed, etc...My God! I should have added within their own party. They just can't agree on anything except their own opinion.
Democrats are the masters of the circular firing squad.

Joke time.

What do you call someone who robs Peter to pay Paul?
A thief.

What do you call someone who buys from Peter to sell to Paul?
A merchant.

What do you call someone who robs Peter to write a bad check to Paul?
A Democrat.

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