As you may know Utah gives you 29 states, not Florida, but a lot in the midwest and west. Florida also gives you 29, not Minnesota. There are several eastern states than issue to non-residents but don't accept any other states LTC. Pa is fairly good for an Illinoisan as it gets you surrounding states, except Iowa, Minnesota and of course concealed carry right denied Wisconsin. No class needed to get a Pa LTC and everything can be done by mail. Also cost is only $26.
I have Utah and NH permits. NH doesn't recognize nonresident permits from other states, but despite some information you find may online, they will issue a NH nonresident permit based on your Utah nonresident permit. Only gives you NH over and above Utah, but if you go to NH regularly, may be useful to know. (FOID won't do.) Y'all stay safe.
I decided to get both the Utah and Florida CCW's for now but I am not sure I will renew the Florida CCW since renewal cost is the same as a first time issue. While Utah is much more reasonable and with any luck we will have our own CCW by that time..
NRA Life Member since 1973
ISRA member
Centre County Government: SheriffAm new Illinois member - so, I can get a PA LTC over the email for $26, is this right? How do I get started?
update on PA CC permit...
they will stop issuing on march 31, 2011 to non residents
Just mailed out my Pennsylvania application. I've given up waiting on Illinois to Do the Right Thing! Hope I get it before June, I have to make a trip to North Carolina then and I will definitely be driving.
By June? You will probably have it my April! :biggrin:
They usually average a 2 week turn around...but they are swamped with last minute apps.
I was wondering how many Illinoisans here have a non-resident LTC like I do? Actually I have 2, one from Pennsylvania which I've had for several years and Utah which I got this year. With Utah I can conceal carry in 29 states, but not Illinois.
Am new Illinois member - so, I can get a PA LTC over the email for $26, is this right? How do I get started?