How To Get Utah Non-resident Permit

I am from Idaho, and have both Idaho and Utah permits.Idaho covers firearms and other concealed weapons. Utah only covers firearms. Utah has no live fire training for issue, therefore Nevada which requires live fire, has dropped utah's reciprocity with Nevada. Just a point of intrest.
I live in Idaho and have both Idaho and Utah permits. Idaho is a concealed weapons permit, which covers firearms and other weapons, Utah's is for firearms. Utah has no live fire requirement which prompted Nevada, which does have a live fire requirement, to break reciprocity with Utah. Just a point of intrest.
No written test, but I believe live fire is required. Either that or FL required live fire. I took one class that covered FL and UT.

and thats why UT doesnt allow their class to be taught "during" another state's. They insist the instructor cover one state and THEN the student does not mix up the learning.

I know UT does not require live stated that's why they lost recip with NV. The class i am scheduled for this month doesnt have the live fire...but another location does have it. No written test is a good thing tho...I wonder if that is also instructor specific?
Live fire

Nevada dropped both Florida and Utah because they don't require live fire. In fact Florida will take something as simple as a hunter safety certificate. I have seen few institutors advertising Utah, Florida, and Virginia as one package, Virginia will also take hunter safety. Its sounds like they are doing the Utah class and adding live fire at the end and giving a NRA basic pistol certificate for FL and VA. So that could be why Utah wants to change to in state classes only.
Nevada dropped both Florida and Utah because they don't require live fire. In fact Florida will take something as simple as a hunter safety certificate. I have seen few institutors advertising Utah, Florida, and Virginia as one package, Virginia will also take hunter safety. Its sounds like they are doing the Utah class and adding live fire at the end and giving a NRA basic pistol certificate for FL and VA. So that could be why Utah wants to change to in state classes only.

Actually, Nevada Link Removed Utah from the Link Removed for no live fire but dropped Florida for extending their license term to 7 years. Nevada made no finding that Florida had an inadequate training requirement.

I think it is clear that nonresident permit applications in Nevada effectively stopped after Nevada's reciprocity law took effect and the NSCA responded by seeking pretexts to eliminate from the Link Removed all states that issue nonresident permits. The Nevada Legislature needs to adopt either Arizona's 2003 reciprocity law, which imposed some conditions relative to a training requirement and licensing standards, and under which about half of all states (including Florida and Utah) were recognized, or Arizona's 2006 reciprocity law, which recognizes all other states' permits as long as the permit holder is at least 21 years old and not an Arizona [or Nevada] resident, without any test of licensing standards.
Thats funny about the seven year thing. But now I feel like I did see that before. If Nevada wants to get money from non-res permits they need to let it be done by mail. Witch also makes me wander if Utah is really willing to give up all that money.

Does anyone know if Texas use to allow its class to be taught out of state?
Thats funny about the seven year thing. But now I feel like I did see that before. If Nevada wants to get money from non-res permits they need to let it be done by mail. Witch also makes me wander if Utah is really willing to give up all that money.

Does anyone know if Texas use to allow its class to be taught out of state?

From the July UT Instructor Newsletter ...bottom of page 1 has the # of applications received over the last 7 years....
Is there a "written" test for the UT class? Seems like a lot to remember over 8 hours. If there is one, is it Open Book?

The classes typically run 4-5 hours, depending on the number of people attending. The only "test" is passing the UTAH BCI background check, so make sure your nose is clean before applying.
Mine started at about 10:20 on a Sunday morning. He was fingerprinting us at 8 PM. We only took a short break and there were only 2 of us in the class. Would I do it gain?? Absolutely.

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