how many guns are enough?


New member
evrybody has a wishlist but, how many guns ar enough.
i have at least one gun for most occasions. small game/target, home defense and clay birds, high powered riffle for big game and concealed carry handgun.
my point is: if any registration bills are passed, im never going to buy another gun. i refuse to put my name on a list.
gun manufacturers should think about that one, hard and long.
instead of leaving it all up to the nra and other pro gun groups, gun company's should be at the fore front of the battle.
i wonder what would happen if all the major gun makers decided to move away from the blue states? and stoped selling to the government agency's in those blue states?
they have alot of leverage if they choose to use it.
shure it would be an expensive proposition but, it may be a wise move in the current buiseness climate.
as i said before, i have a wish list but, i'll get over it.

I think the official number is somewhere around a bajillion, but don't quote me on that. I can't recall where I heard it.
evrybody has a wishlist but, how many guns ar enough.
i have at least one gun for most occasions. small game/target, home defense and clay birds, high powered riffle for big game and concealed carry handgun.
my point is: if any registration bills are passed, im never going to buy another gun. i refuse to put my name on a list.
gun manufacturers should think about that one, hard and long.
instead of leaving it all up to the nra and other pro gun groups, gun company's should be at the fore front of the battle.
i wonder what would happen if all the major gun makers decided to move away from the blue states? and stoped selling to the government agency's in those blue states?
they have alot of leverage if they choose to use it.
shure it would be an expensive proposition but, it may be a wise move in the current buiseness climate.
as i said before, i have a wish list but, i'll get over it.

The only problem with them not selling to law enforcement in the ban states, the Feds would buy in a non-ban state and turn them over to the LEAs in the ban states. Or seize the plants and take away all civilian production.
I don't believe it really matters how many guns a s person has. Each individual has a different like/love/comfortable/uncomfortable relationship with guns. You have people that are collectors, weekend competition shooters, regular Jo Blow that just enjoys shooting for pleasure now and then. Either way whatever you shoot, or whenever you decide to go shooting it shouldn't matter how many guns you have or be restricted on what you can and can't shoot. Any responsible gun owner takes measures to keep their guns out of the hands of an inexperienced user such as kids, or locked away to prevent any theft of said items accept for the ones kept in close proximity for personnel/home protection. I don't believe that the any laws should be imposed that regulates the number of guns we own. If a person wants to own 1,2,5,10, 50, or 100 guns. It is their right as a free member of this great nation of our to make that CHOICE. If laws are broken, then fine... Punish the individual. Don't punish the masses.
Bellyfat, what are you going to do when something happens to your carry gun? Or your big game rifle? You just stated that you are fine with it because you won't need to buy another one. Guess you won't hunt any more and go to a knife to defend yourself. You need to look past today and try to understand what tomorrow will look like with these proposed laws. Short sighted...
I think the biggest reason gun companies don't take a "front-lines" approach to opposing the ban is because they know it will make it look as though they are more concerned with profits and less concerned with public safety. I'll be the first to say that less guns (for law abiding citizens) means more crime. But until you can get the media and lefties to understand that fact, think of how that would be perceived by the public.
This thread is my wife's point. She thinks you only need one gun. After a brief discussion about this I pointed out that guns are machines, and sometimes machines fail. There needs to be redundancy built in. The long and the short of it for me is affordability. If money were no object I'm sure my collection would be much larger. There are many Ruger's that I would Love to have in my collection and to pass on to my children when it is my time to go home.
I'll be the first to say that less guns (for law abiding citizens) means more crime. But until you can get the media and lefties to understand that fact, think of how that would be perceived by the public.

The Media and or Anti-Gun mindset clings to the hope that one day there will be NO guns outside of the Military and Law Enforcement. The Horse is already out of the barn. You will never remove all guns from society, nor should you. But, if for a moment you can imagine a society with no guns, then obviously you eliminate Gun Violence. Human nature unfortunately dictates that we would then turn to blunt force objects (Baseball Bat for instance) Knives, spears, blowguns, automobiles. If you are going to commit a crime where a weapon would facilitate the success of the crime your going to find something to use to gain the advantage.
This thread is my wife's point. She thinks you only need one gun. After a brief discussion about this I pointed out that guns are machines, and sometimes machines fail. There needs to be redundancy built in. The long and the short of it for me is affordability. If money were no object I'm sure my collection would be much larger. There are many Ruger's that I would Love to have in my collection and to pass on to my children when it is my time to go home.

I'd approach it with her like this:

Guns are tools. As there are many different types of tools for many different uses, there are also different types of guns for different tasks. One cannot use a hammer to cut a board just as one cannot use a saw to drive a nail. A rifle used for hunting cannot serve very efficiently in the role of concealed carry just as a pistol used for self-defense/concealed carry is not likely to be very useful for hunting large game or at distances exceeding 50 yards. A shotgun used for duck hunting or shooting clays doesn't conceal well, isn't very useful for hunting large game at long range, and may be too long to use efficiently in a home defense role. There are several uses for guns and as many iterations for those uses. One gun cannot possibly "do it all".

Further, guns, being machines, do wear and eventually fail, and can suffer other issues such as parts loss or breakage. Replacement and repair may take longer than expected or be impossible (in the case of discontinued models) depending on the amount and scope of damage and having only one gun means that if that occurs, you now have NO gun at all. That means that you lack a means to defend yourself and your loved ones as well as being unable to hunt or engage in those recreational pursuits that guns make possible.

A quality collection of guns is also a fine inheritance and allows you to pass on a part of yourself (memories and stories about you) to those who love you and may even serve to provide them a means of (self)protection that will outlive you- it's almost a form of immortality, if you will and it may also have significant monetary value.

In short and within reason, there is no such thing as "enough" guns.
Why as what in enough... when you have the liberty to buy and keep as many as you like...

Why are you trying to limit my freedom of buying as many guns as I want...

Your question is a personal question that you can answer yourself...Leave my collection alone.

And for your information a lot of the gun manufacturing companies are standing against this government. You should all do the same.

If we give up on the Assault Weapons ban, the universal background check and mental health check for purchasing ammo and guns your going to have problem down the line.

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