Holster for BUG


New member
In my reading I have come to the decision that I am best served by having a back up gun. Now, there are a number of good reasons for this. Rather than list them all here let me focus on one. When I am in my car or in some other seating arrangements I find it difficult and therefore, slow to impossible to reach my pistol.

I have settled on a vest with a concealed holster. This gives me access when I am seated. It also allows me to assume an apparently casual stance with my hand on a gun without anyone knowing. Although slightly slower in many situations it is significantly faster in others. The old hand on the strong side hip being a little too "Marshal Dillon" and tells everyone that you are armed and alerted. If you go to the NRA Store and look under cover garments you will see a number of vests and jackets that might fit the bill. My vest prints a medium or larger pistol due to the weight causing the grip to lean away from the body.

I can't reach an ankle holster. I guess I could have a knee holster made but I can't find a dress that looks good with my beard. Every shoulder holster I have tried prints and is hard for me to reach.

Everyone is different in their preference, perceived need, body type, and style. What holster works for your BUG and why? Where do you wear it and is it accessible when your main gun might be less so?

A good spot for a small BUG is in a pocket. Unless you're carrying your BUG just like your primary gun, IWB for example, than it is most likely going to take a little longer to draw than your primary.

I would suggest carrying a small BUG IWB, crossdraw perhaps, if wearing jeans. Otherwise, if ankle and shoulder dont work for you, try wearing shorts/pants with bigger pockets or cargo pockets and put your BUG in there.

I like this pocket holster for subcompact Glocks
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For my BUG,

I go with a Smith & Wesson 642 or Ruger LCP in a ProTech ankle holster. I've tried a lot of holsters and the Protech ankle one is by far the most comfortable.
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If I'm wearing cargo pants or shorts, a pocket holster is my other choice.

Even the subcompact Glocks are to big for the pockets of my tight fitting jeans.
I carry guns in pairs, left and right OWB usually. Occasionally, I carry a pair of LCP's, or Charter Arms Southpaw's in pants pocket holsters or jacket pocket holsters.

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