Help. Disorderly ticket with comitted to hospital sister.


New member
I don't know where else to go. I was informed after a phone call that I'll be reciving a disorderly ticket from a WI sheriff after I got my sister comitted.

(long story, made short... She has done alot of bad drugs the last few years, (I have no criminal things on my record, no violence, no disorderlys ect ect and i'm 37 years old, I'm a father, a CCW permit holder, a husband and a good citizen.) My family hasn't gotten her help the last two months, despite she speaking to devils, demons and screaming at the moon. She is still locked up. She went after me, I pushed her off, I spun her leg while she was kicking me and I called LEO's. No charges, no problems and she take to the hospital. I got her help, she needed it, no one else would do it, I called the police... on my own sister.

(for the record I knew she was nuts, I left the gun at home when I went to visit for labor day)

Fast forward...

Tue's I get a phone call from a sheriff, his supervisor wants some closure on the entire thing they are mailing me (I checked if they wanted me to just go to the police station) a disorderly ticket!

This can ruin future employment and my right to bear arms.

I need a good attorney, in Ozaukee County. Could you reccomend someone?
So, now 6 days after your post did the disorderly ticket come in the mail? Also, what was the reasoning behind the disorderly ticket?......the fact that you defended yourself when she came at you?....."She went after me, I pushed her off, I spun her leg while she was kicking me and I called LEO's.
If you're a member of the NRA, they have referrals available. call 703-267-1161. If you're not a member, this is a good opportunity to become one. I recommend not saying anything else online because prosecutors search these sites and can use what you write against you.

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While I am a 'tough on crime' sorta guy I was on a jury 10 years back or so. A guy got issued a 'disturbance of the peace' ticket, as he lived with his girlfriend. A long trial short, she came home drunk, he was sober, he was also on the couch to avoid a fight in the bedroom. The neighbor calls the cops & he gets the ticket, no marks, no bruises or hospital visit for her.

The jury volunteered me to be foreman, which was fine. We went around & had some on each side. If you could of gave both a ticket, that would be close to correct. Some felt it 'was no big deal since the fine was only $300'(or whatever). Most didn't seem concerned about how this would affect him down the road. He ended up found - not guilty.

If the facts of the case are close to what you stated I would ramp up early with a lawyer & fight it hard. Yes, it may cost a bit. I'd also let the issuing officer know you will fight it tooth & nail. That's what I would do.
In wisconsin, if A female relative has a childish outburst, which many females regularly do, it is usually seen as being the mans fault. My wife is bipolar, she attacked me during a psychotic break, to avoid becoming the criminal, i called 911 and went outside. When the officers came, they talked to her, not me, and i was arrested. When I asked what the charges were, the officers, there were 4, could not tell me. I stayed in jail overnight, was released in the morning and told not to ever go back home. I had done nothing wrong. I got a letter from the DAs office stating that there was insufficient evidence to charge me with a crime. She got one saying we know he did something illegal blah blah blah. Welcome to Wisconsin Arfur. Get used to it, logic and intelligence are rare things in the justice system here. The entire culture here is geared to the advantage of women. Dont want to work? Have kids. Need money? Have kids. Sick of your husband? Throw a fit, commit a few felonies and watch him get arrested for doing nothing. Then have some more kids and collect the handouts.

Youre not alone.

Did someone come to get you? Nobody came to get me. It was Sept 11, 98 degrees and this veteran walked 25 miles home in bare feet and pajamas. Try hitching a ride on 9/11.
Some years back I allowed my niece and her 6 yr. old son to stay while she finished college. She had a looooonnnggg drug history and failed rehabs. She started doing it again. I repeatedly warned her and eventually she walked-in stoned after leaving her son with us for a week. Last straw. Told her to call her mother to come for her or I call the police. She has to go. Her mother comes and picks her up. Within a week I get a notice from CPS that I'm under investigation for allowing her to leave under the influence of drugs with the child. Didn't matter that her brother, aunt and mother came for er... all clean and sober. Didn't matter that I had no legal authority over the child. Wanted to smack the investigator. I repeatedly had sought help from him in the prior months over her drug use. She was a horrible mother. He said there wasn't anything he could do.We weren't allowed to seek custody of the little guy as she hadn't been declared unfit. I was cleared within a week. The system is definitely backwards. BTW, I got stuck with her tuition bill and rehab charges. Never heard from her again.
So, now 6 days after your post did the disorderly ticket come in the mail? Also, what was the reasoning behind the disorderly ticket?......the fact that you defended yourself when she came at you?....."She went after me, I pushed her off, I spun her leg while she was kicking me and I called LEO's.
I was charged with battery for self defense in 2008 after being attacked from behind with a baseball bat and hit 3 times by 5 guys who admitted it was random. I believe every word of Arfur's side of the story. The district attorneys in this state will charge every and anybody with anything they can think up. Its disgusting, if it wasnt for the passing of CC and castle doctrine, I would have left for Texas.