Having a firearm inside a car

Luke Hordyk

New member
So the other day I went out skeet shooting. I was heading over to so friends house where we were going to meet. I placed an unloaded shotgun in the front seat of my car not really thinking about it because of the short distance. The ammunition was in the back seat. When I got to the farm, all 5 of the guys I was going shooting with all got upset at me and informed me that in the state of NC you can have no long firearms in the front of the car. and if you are ever caught doing such actions, that you will be taken to jail. I used to live in TN and we all had shotguns in our 4x4s. I tried to find out the laws about having a gun in the front seat, but it is all in regards to handguns not long firearms. Anyone with knowledge on the subject, information is greatly appreciated.

I've read most every gun related law in NC and I don't recall anything about long guns being banned from the front seat. If it was covered with a coat, it might get sticky, but legal as long as it is in plain sight.

If the shotgun was on the backseat, it could be considered a concealed weapon, if it fell on the floor it certainly could be considered concealed, because it is still within reach of the driver.
The law does not make a distinction between long guns and handguns as far as transportation goes. Here's a quote directly from the State Attorney General's website on NC gun laws:

"Transporting Weapons
Given this general prohibition of carrying concealed weapons, individuals must be ever
vigilant to ensure their particular situation cannot be construed as concealing a weapon,
either on or about them, without being properly authorized to do so with a valid North
Carolina, or recognized out-of-state concealed handgun permit. Therefore, the permittee's
accessibility to the weapon is of prime importance. It is for these reasons, that when
transporting a weapon in a vehicle, even greater care must be exercised to ensure that the
weapon is not concealed, and within the ready access to an occupant of the vehicle. North
Carolina law does not specifically address how to transport a weapon in an automobile.

Therefore, the central question becomes: when is the weapon concealed and readily
accessible to an occupant of an automobile? Obviously, a weapon would be concealed and
readily accessible, and therefore in violation of North Carolina law, if it were placed in such
areas of a vehicle as under the seat of the automobile; in a bag in the back seat; or in some
other manner is covered or hidden within the easy reach of an occupant of the vehicle. It
is our recommendation that firearms should not be carried in a glove compartment
regardless of whether the compartment is locked or not."

(emphasis added)
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Agreed! There is no distinction between long guns and hand guns. Many a "good-ole-boy days" were spent tooling around with a shotgun and rifle hanging in the rear window of a pickup truck.
"Not concealed (or in plain sight) of any approaching LEO" is how it was explained to me by a NC CWP Instructor......It's different in SC, where it is supposed to be in a glove box or console.
The variances in laws from state to state can be confusing, but law abiding gun owners should have no fear in asking questions. So if you're not sure......ask a cop. Most of them are understanding and helpful.
How? On the backseat it is just as much in plain sight as it is on the front seat? At least in every vehicle that I own.

Concealed vs. visible is a very gray area about vehicle carry in NC. There is no law that states on the backseat is concealed, but every recommendation regarding open carry in a vehicle is front passenger seat or dashboard.

These are recommendations, and the cop that stops you might be good with it on the back seat, or he may draw his sidearm if he sees it and arrest your for concealing a firearm.

A gun on the back seat of my truck, with high-backed front seats, dark tint on rear glass is could certianly be concealed as it would not be visible to a LEO standing by the drivers window. Many coupes or SUVs probably would limit visibility of the back seat. Perhaps in the back seat of a 4-door Buick sedan it would be easily seen.

http://www.ncsheriffs.org/documents/2013 NC Firearms Laws.pdf <----- go to page 22
well the best thing I can say is if you lack a CCW put it in the trunk, or if pulled and it is up front quickly place it on the dash and declare firearm on dash.
So the other day I went out skeet shooting. I was heading over to so friends house where we were going to meet. I placed an unloaded shotgun in the front seat of my car not really thinking about it because of the short distance. The ammunition was in the back seat. When I got to the farm, all 5 of the guys I was going shooting with all got upset at me and informed me that in the state of NC you can have no long firearms in the front of the car. and if you are ever caught doing such actions, that you will be taken to jail. I used to live in TN and we all had shotguns in our 4x4s. I tried to find out the laws about having a gun in the front seat, but it is all in regards to handguns not long firearms. Anyone with knowledge on the subject, information is greatly appreciated.

I have no clue as to the specific laws in your state, I can state with confidence that legal advice from friends at the range is not always a good idea.
Perfectly legal either way in NY. Conealment laws don't apply to long guns here. As long as its not loaded you're good to go.
It may be in the hunting laws.

Having a rifle or shotgun in the front seat could be construed as "road hunting" or hunting from a vehicle, which is illegal in most states.

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