Have a CCW, I just moved, now what?


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Sept 1st My girlfriend and I moved in together. I sent in all of the change of address notices. I sent one certified mail to Boston and got back my reciept so I know they got it. What happens next? are they spposed to send me a new card with the correct address on it? I asked this before in another catigory but got no answer. I dont beleive that nobody has ever moved, someone has to have an answer.

thanks for the help
I don't even know how it works in my state, but I am making the assumption that a change of address notification isn't going to do the trick. I would think that much like a drivers license, you would need to go there in person and get issued a new card with the correct address.

Again, this is an assumption, and likely incorrect. If I was going to be moving, I would do whatever research I needed to do to stay compliant.
Here in FL, as long as the address is updated in the system, you can continue to carry your original card which reflects your old address. It would probably be a good idea to call the issuing department that you received the license from and ask!
In PA also, you just notify them of new address so they know where to send renewal/revocation notice. They dont send an updated license. I've seen some places will issue you a new license if you stop in, but they charge extra for that.

I did find Link Removed
In PA also, you just notify them of new address so they know where to send renewal/revocation notice. They dont send an updated license. I've seen some places will issue you a new license if you stop in, but they charge extra for that.

I did find Link Removed

Thanks for the info guys!! yah I already printed out the change of address and sent it off. I called the local gun shop yesterday and they said the samething...no new licence given, just use the old one.

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