Gun violence is down in US

Because the goal is not gun control. The goal is no guns.

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It is not about controlling our guns, it's about controlling us!!

Just ask Mao Tse Tung, Hitler, et al.

Molon Labe!
Support the good ones.

And yet we are seeing all the Senators who defeated the Universial background check bill under rabid criticism from Bloombergs minions in an attempt to turn voters away from supporting them in up coming elections. Misinformation is a tactic that has worked well for this administration and will continue to work if we allow it to do so, by just standing by without saying anything to correct what is being said. Every letter to the editor can and will reach someone that picks up the paper or who reads it on line.
Attached is the letter I sent today in support of Senator Rob Portman who is on our side and understands we are in this fight forever
Regarding the criticism of Sen. Rob Portman on how he voted against the extended universal background checks in order to better preserve The Constitution and the its Second Amendment. I contend that the public in general isn’t aware of the truth regarding violence in America. .
According to a national survey by the Pew Research Center and the Washington Post, 20% say are very happy the legislation was blocked, while 19% say they are relieved.
This poll found that 39% of respondents are glad things turned out the way they did. It doesn't take a math genius to observe that, for the President's claims to have been true, that number should only be 10%.
The Pew numbers coincide with other recent polls, including a USAToday poll showing that support for the passage of ANY new gun control law is between 45-49%, and a Gallup poll which showed that only 4% of the population thinks gun control is actually an important issue.
That the Obama administration lied about the 90% number in effort to promote his gun control agenda comes as no surprise to those paying attention.
With that said why other than to discredit his standing with voting citizenry would anyone be critical of Sen. Portman’s vote or line of thinking. let the Senator do his job and continue to support him in his actions to help save our nation from further political decay and be thankful that we have such a person on our side in this troubled world.

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