Gun Control Australia


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I know this is an American gun owner forum, but please check this out

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Do these people read their own copy?
Their demands include:
...all guns to be removed from urban homes and held at 48 hours notice in selected police stations which are adapted for gun storage purposes. No guns to be kept in gun clubs
Then, further down the page:
If a Domestic Violence Order is taken out against a gun owner, The police must confiscate all guns immediately.
I guess that will teach the gun owner a lesson! The police will confiscate the gun the owner doesn't possess from the police...:hang3:

Kind've makes a person wonder...
Does anyone have any crime stats on gun related crimes before/after these policies were instituted? I've always thought of Aussies as rugged individualists who refused to be forced and bullied...guess i was wrong. Sad. And immensely frightening. Wake UP, America.:hang3:
...Self defense not acceptable.

The nerve of these peasants to think they have a right to defend their life! :mad:

These are the laws Gun Control Australia want, at the moment were good, the media is still extremely anti american & anti gun.
Also it %110 true that we cannot even use guns in self defence.
I terrible...maybe one we will have better gun laws...

Chances of that are "slim" and "none." Which is why we're fighting so hard in the USA to prevent any kind of gun control. It's a slippery slope; once you start sliding, it's all downhill.

I was in Australia 6 months ago on a 3 week motorcycle trip around Queensland. The people I met were all unhappy with the new laws. As far as anti American, I was never treated so well by the people I met there. Sure never picked up on any anti American vibe. I found just the opposite.
I was in Australia 6 months ago on a 3 week motorcycle trip around Queensland. The people I met were all unhappy with the new laws. As far as anti American, I was never treated so well by the people I met there. Sure never picked up on any anti American vibe. I found just the opposite.

It's the media and most people, I guess you must have met some decent people:yes4:
American gun laws are bad enough, but this sure makes me glad I don't live in Australia.

What I find frustrating is that I was almost born in the US, but instead my dad decided not to with the record contract in California. But it may have been for the best, as I could have turned out to be a Liberal if my family moved there.

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