Governor gets gun display bill

That is true, if they are doing something to potentially harm me or my family then dead or alive they are not a victim. Also your right that the family will and most likely sue, guess the moral of the story here is only get victimized by an assailant that has no family. lol

"Its better to be judged by 12
than carried by 6"

The sad fact of the matter is 80% of the time it's not even the family's idea to sue. Some money grubbing whore of a lawyer will come flying in looking to make money from their pain. They will give them the idea "hey why not sue in civil court." The family sees it as a way to make that person pay for taking their loved one (yes even crack/meth heads have a family). That's why taking someones life is not something to dream about (unless your severely f****** up in the head).


I was at a gas station two nights ago standing at the register paying for my items. When I look out and see a van pull up with a young man/woman inside. The man gets out and starts walking to the front door with his right hand in his pocket. He had on, a black coat and a hat pulled down to his eyes (just below his eyebrows). He walked into the store and stood behind me and then looked around the store with his right hand still in his pocket. At this point my heat rate is up and I'm thinking to myself please don't let this happen here and now. I turn sideways so my back was not facing him and so I could keep a eye on him and the SLOW cashier. He keeps looking around the store and moving his hand around in his pocket. Then I see him starting to remove his hand from his pocket. Out comes a roll of money and as I'm leaving I hear him ask for a pack of smokes.

This happened to be the one night I left my M&P at home. I had not planned on going out so I locked it up. Then my pregnant wife had a craving for OJ and a Pepsi. So she begged me to go out and get her one. Looking back I think it's a good thing he was standing so close to me. Because he was within knife range and I had both of them with me. As I said before I'm always armed with some form of a weapon.
Remember though w/o the castle doctrine you still have the obligation to retreat first with some specific exceptions. While the show bill is a step in the right direction, until castle doctrine is passed it's clearly in your best interest to keep in holstered and hidden. Castle gives you the right to defend where you are, then protects against legal suits after the dust settles.
Remember though w/o the castle doctrine you still have the obligation to retreat first with some specific exceptions. While the show bill is a step in the right direction, until castle doctrine is passed it's clearly in your best interest to keep in holstered and hidden. Castle gives you the right to defend where you are, then protects against legal suits after the dust settles.

In my mind the gun display bill is a waste of paper! If it comes to the point that you feel the need to show your firearm to a soon to be attacker. You still have to try and retreat before you deploy deadly force. They only passed it because the (D) in office vetoed the (castle) style bill that came before him. On the grounds of public safety. Now that the (R) control both houses and the executive council they have the numbers to over ride a veto and hammer a bill home. They did pass HB1665 making it legal for John Q public to carry Auto knifes. No idea why he did not veto that one as well. For the most part he is powerless for the next two years so we will see what happens.
^^No argument there! Would have been nice to replace him but honestly this balance of power can be just as effective if not more so when it comes to righting this state.

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