Gotta love the hypocrisy....


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Maine Gun Owners' Association, Inc....
Maine Gun Owners Association Inc

The Maine Gun Owners Association Inc (MGOA) exists primarily to defend and promote the rights enumerated in the Constitutions of The United States of America and The State of Maine, namely the rights of individuals as specified below:

The Second Amendment to the United States Consitution [sic] -- "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."

Article I, Section 16 of the State of Maine Constitution -- "Every citizen has a right to keep and bear arms and this right shall never be questioned."

First, notice they can't spell The Second Amendment to the United States Consitution. And how well do they support it (considering they can't even spell it....)? Well.....

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Regarding the bill passed by the House and Senate in Maine to eliminate a permit being required to conceal a handgun in Maine:

Weinstein said that without training requirements, his group was opposed to the bill.

"I advise the Legislature and/or Gov. LePage to consider either not enacting the bill or amending it further to reinstate mandatory gun safety and legal education," Weinstein said. "Failure to do so may see this bill actually enabling some people needlessly getting hurt."

Seems like Jeff Weinstein has spent a little bit too much time browsing the MDA and Brady Bunch websites where I am sure he has read about all the blood running in the streets from those untrained people carrying firearms. I wonder if his second business has clouded his "support" of the 2nd Amendment? - NRA Firearms Courses & Educational Materials

With friends like this, who needs enemies!

I support mandatory firearms training. It should start in the second grade so that by the time one can legally buy a firearm, you at least know the basics.
I support mandatory firearms training. It should start in the second grade so that by the time one can legally buy a firearm, you at least know the basics.

The problem is that in public school it would be the gubment teaching it. I had to correct enough of what the gubment tried to teach my daughter already - like the difference between "shall not be infringed" and "reasonable regulation".
The problem is that in public school it would be the gubment teaching it. I had to correct enough of what the gubment tried to teach my daughter already - like the difference between "shall not be infringed" and "reasonable regulation".
That is a problem but it can be overcome. First thing would be to educate the teachers what the founding documents of this country really said. Of course, that would also mean educating the Supreme Court also.
That is a problem but it can be overcome. First thing would be to educate the teachers what the founding documents of this country really said. Of course, that would also mean educating the Supreme Court also.

Yep! We would also have to re-teach EVERY teacher. Which would be either impossible or close to it. From what I have seen in most of the schools, especially in the cities, the teachers are liberal, gun hating, the gubment knows best morons!

As the comedian says, "You can't fix stupid!"

The schools should go back to teaching the 3 R's and leave all the social, moral and all other issues to the parents at home! IMHO that is where we started losing this country!

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