Glock 42 .380 ladies thoughts...


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When I saw the new Glock 42 come out I immediately thought "this will be the gun my wife will carry"
Personally I carry a Glock 27 (.40) and love the simplicity/reliability/concealment of it, but it is much for my queen. Question for the ladies here is if you have had a chance to shoot it yet and what your thoughts are on it? Also, maybe even throw in what you do carry? Thanks in advance..
Heard a lot of good things about the Glock 42 from some of the very few who have tried one... never tried one, though. I'm not very interested... I carry the Shield, about the same size but in 9mm and larger capacity. So, doesn't appeal to me.
My wife tried one but didn't like it much. She said it works fine but didn't like the feel of the weapon in her hand. For her "small" conceal weapon she choose the S&W Shield .40 and when she carries full size she uses a XDM .40 4".
I'm no lady, nor female in any way shape or form, but I posted a report on my new G42.

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I hope this helps.
I have tried this one now, and I liked it quite a lot. Easy to shoot, and not much in the way of muzzle flip. Would have liked it more if my fingers weren't so long that the magazine release didn't jam into the tip of my trigger finger every time I shot it! Quite painful, but other than that it was good.

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My husband carries the G27 and the G17 (gen1-his original duty weapon). I carry a M&P Shield in 9mm. I prefer the fit in my hand. Instead of getting a survey of other women, I suggest you take her to a range that rents guns and let her fire the G42 along with a few others and she can tell you what is most comfortable for her. It is a very individual thing. Hubs and I are both looking at the S&W Bodyguard .380 for a very light conceal carry. Much better for summer months when clothes are light.
My husband carries the G27 and the G17 (gen1-his original duty weapon). I carry a M&P Shield in 9mm. I prefer the fit in my hand. Instead of getting a survey of other women, I suggest you take her to a range that rents guns and let her fire the G42 along with a few others and she can tell you what is most comfortable for her. It is a very individual thing. Hubs and I are both looking at the S&W Bodyguard .380 for a very light conceal carry. Much better for summer months when clothes are light.

Obviously you'll still have to try for yourselves, but while I LOVE my 9mm Shield, I really disliked the .380 Bodyguard! The trigger wasn't stiff, but it was so very very long it was nearly touching the grip before it fired. Did not work for me at all! :smile: I wound up with the Taurus TCP instead.
Of the strikerfire pistols, I like the M&P Shield better than the Glock 42. I don't like the LONG trigger pull on the Bodyguard either! My favorite "small" pistol is the Sig P938 but it is not a strikerfire pistol.

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My husband carries the G27 and the G17 (gen1-his original duty weapon). I carry a M&P Shield in 9mm. I prefer the fit in my hand. Instead of getting a survey of other women, I suggest you take her to a range that rents guns and let her fire the G42 along with a few others and she can tell you what is most comfortable for her. It is a very individual thing. Hubs and I are both looking at the S&W Bodyguard .380 for a very light conceal carry. Much better for summer months when clothes are light.
I agree w everything and carry same. Remember Mikey - he hates everything... but you should try it she might like it!
Well, I've been teaching people how to safely and effectively handle firearms now for (OMG!) a good 40 years.

Today, I carry any one of three Glock pistols that I own; however, I do NOT recommend any Glock pistol for women to use.

I know a lot of women who carry pistols, usually inside a handbag; and I know that, sooner or later, a striker-fired Glock would only mean trouble for one of them. I do NOT want that on my conscience!

Here's what my own wife carries:

(And she's good with it, too!) ;)
That's why they make CCW handbags.
Well, then, especially for you, G50AE, (who is the most inveterate contrarian I've met in years) I'll add that the vast majority of women I know who carry pistols in their purses and pocketbooks do NOT use secure handbags.

In fact only my sister-in-law who is a state police detective uses a Galco handbag. None of the rest do, and that includes the current girlfriend of a police officer I also know. She carries an enormous Walther P99AS, loosely, inside of an ordinary handbag. Which is what most women do!

This is also what Mr. Veronica Rutledge was doing the night her young son removed a striker-fired S&W Shield pistol (of course, without a discretionary user-applied safety on it) from her handbag, and shot her dead. A woman's world is different from a man's, and I think this reality should be reflected in their choice of handguns, too.

(My sister-in-law and her employer, The New Jersey State Police, also agree! Guess what she carries? An S&W Model 686 with a 2 1/2" barrel, and she's quite good with it, too.)

I know that, as an instructor, I would never want something like this on my conscience; and I make my recommendations for women's pistols accordingly. How about you? Are you another one of these 'peanut gallery Glockeroos' who throws caution to the winds and makes inane remarks like, "I love my safety-less Glock because it's a pure combat handgun. There are no controls to fumble with as the fight starts." (I wish this kind of stupidity were uncommon; but, unfortunately, it's not.)
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The Glock is not a safety-less pistol. It does in fact have three safeties, the drop safety, firing pin safety, and trigger safety.

That is the commonly advertised mechanical nonsense that Glock, GmbH/Inc. feeds to the American public; and, apparently, you've bought into the 'three safeties' myth: hook, line, and sinker!

With only a few exceptions, like the Model 17's that Glock sold to the Norwegian military, every Glock pistol on the planet has EXACTLY ONE INDEPENDENT MECHANICAL SAFETY—ONE!

Between the two of us I'll bet that I am the only person who is an experienced pistolsmith with more than three decade's worth of experience —15 years of which I have spent working on, building, and repairing Glock pistols. (I am right about this; aren't I!)

This topic has also been discussed at length many times before on Glock Talk. GT is an online information resource that I would encourage you to search for the correct answer to the misinformation you have posted above.

'A Glock with three safeties,' really! Only the newest and most ingenuous Glockeroos actually believe that!

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